The Wolf's Bait ~ Chap 1: Her Life Before

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So, This is the longer version of TWB :P Basically I combined Chap 1: Her Life Before and Chap 2: Trespasser together cause I thought that TWB would be SO long if I don't merge this and the other shorter chapters so yeah :P

if you see a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, then that means it's the next chapter :P Don't worry, the story didn't change, I just merged it together :)

Sorry for the late notice :P Here you go :P

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~CHAP 1: Her Life before~

I know. This is not how I would usually spend my Saturday night. In fact, this is not how I’d spend any night at all. Well, maybe this was my typical night before… but not anymore.

It’s been a year since that night… but the memory still flashed in my mind like it was just yesterday. For a moment, I was immobilized by the flashback, but I was brought back to reality by a loud voice. 

“Autumn! Are you coming? C’mon, the bonfire’s about to start!” Lillian said, motioning me to pick up the pace.

Sometimes, it’s hard not to get convinced by Lillian. After all, how many times has she been hospitalized for minor accidents due to her passion for extreme action? That’s right, a total of fourteen times. Who knows what she’ll get herself into this time around?

That’s why I came tonight, despite me not liking loud parties and drunken teenagers…so I could make sure she doesn’t get herself into any trouble… again… even if a setting like this could possibly bring back unwanted memories…

“I’m coming!” I managed to say between the loud thumping beats of the speakers.

“Aww, let’s get going babe! We don’t want to miss all the action do we?” She said, offering me a hand. I never really got used to the mountainous terrain of the local forest.

“Trust me, I do not want any action. And neither should you missy!” I told her in a stern, mother like tone of authority.

“Aww, don’t be such a baby Autumn!” Lillian teased.

“You do know that the only reason I came to this stupid senior’s party was so I could check up on you right? The moment you do something life threatening and I’m telling Mrs. Tarver. Got it?”

“Yes moooommm.” Lillian said, emphasizing the mom as she rolled her eyes.


“Lillian! Autumn! We have some drinks here!” Lillian’s boyfriend said as he welcomed us.

“Hey babe.” Lillian said as she kissed Shawn.

It really doesn’t surprise me that a senior football player would be Lillian’s boyfriend. I mean, besides the fact that she’s really good looking, it’s her carefree attitude and no-nonsense-go-getter-boyish approach which appeals to men the most.

“You know Shawn, mom here thinks I would do something wild again.” Lillian said acting like a little daddy’s girl who was scolded by her mom.

“Autumn, your lack of trust in me really offends me.” Shawn said, faking a hurt expression.

“Oh, I know you too well Shawn.” I said as I circled him.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yup. Remember that time when she convinced you to use her as a human football at the beach? Way to prove your responsibility.”

The Wolf's Bait (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora