Anyways, I remember it starting with Blake coming out of nowhere, and driving his sword through Chris's stomach. At the time, I wasn't right beside him and preoccupied, so Blake could have just as easily done the same thing to me.

Except, he didn't. I'm not saying I'm special or anything. It was probably just a random act..

Chris had been pinned to the tree by his sword. (I really am not going to point out how 'interesting' that sounded..) Baylee stayed exactly where she was, probably frozen in shock. I admit it, I stayed frozen in shock for a moment, as well. Who the hell was this guy?

Once the situation had sunken in, I felt some sort of rush of rage flash through me. I released my grip on the human I was feeding off of, hearing a hollow thump. That was it. I couldn't just sit around and let something like this happen.

My anger and frustration that had built up over the many years I have been around seemed to come pouring out right in that minute.

In a daze of adrenaline, I found myself rushing towards this Blake character, without another moment's hesitation. What was I doing? This wasn't me. This was another person, someone who I wasn't. Why did I care so much about what happened to Chris?

I immediately found myself being seized and slammed into the ground, the air being knocked out of my lungs. The impact my body had with the hard forest floor was paralyzing, and I found myself quivering in shock. Before I had time to recover, strong, swift blows were delivered to me, punch after punch. With each blow, I was being squashed into the dirt, rocks and other sharp objects on the ground digging and tearing into my clothes. I tried not to make sounds to show my pain, but my resistance was met by small yelps that escaped from my mouth. In what seemed like the lifetime I was cowering on the ground, the blows to my body suddenly stopped. I warily glanced up, peering past the earth and stones around my chin.

Blake's attention was drawn to Baylee, whose hands were gripped on the sword blade suspended in Chris's middle.My vision began to blur from the pain..all over my body, and the next thing I saw once my vision cleared was Baylee being slammed against a tree, making a stupid noise when she made contact with the trunk. I didn't feel bad for her, or anything. I just wanted to get the hell out of here before the three of us were ripped to shreds by a man in a black trench coat.

Interesting sense of fashion.

Gathering whatever strength I had left, I forced myself to my feet, ignoring the complains from my weak legs.

"Hey!" I called to Blake, who looked ready to behead Baylee. "I thought you were trying to kill me over here!" My voice sounded like I had just gotten back from a night at the bar. Slurred, and hardly recognizable.

I watched Blake pause, before straightening. His eyes were on me now. In that same moment, a great force of weight came slamming into my side, knocking me off my feet.

"You owe me! Now get Chris, and I'll try to hold this ass off.." I hissed silently at the terrified girl. Although I couldn't see anything but tree splinters and dried leaves, I knew she got my message. I tried to fight back, throwing random punches at Blake. Of course he dodged. Of course I got beaten up even more.

I heard a small squish come from the sword being slid out of Chris. It was quiet for a few moments, she was probably gawking at the sword like a dumb-ass or something. The silence was interrupted by a quiet thump and a loud groan from Chris. I craned my head to see Baylee throwing the sword aside, just to touch his face.

Hi, I'm kind of being beaten to a pulp over here!

Whatever, I would take advantage of this situation right now.

Somehow, I managed to force Blake off of me when his attention shifted for a split second, grabbing the sword from the ground. (After having to do a half-asses lunge, of course.) Chris's blood dripped off the tip of the now stained sword. I didn't know whether to be interested or disgusted by it. I guess it would be kind of sick for me to be attracted to it..but then again..

I pointed the sword directly at Blake's head, my hand shaking a bit.

"I'll.." I paused, thinking. "..-stab you if you do anything else." It wasn't the most intimidating thing to say, but oh well.

Blake began to back up, although his face still lacked expression. I noticed my own blood all over his palms. How dare he..

Baylee was of course, frozen in shock again.

I scowled, feeling frustration build up in me again.

"What are you standing there for? We need to run!" I growled at her.

She blinked several times, before running away to leave me to deal with Chris. How dare she..

"You grab him, you Mexican!" She shot back.

I stiffened, awkwardly grabbing Chris by the waist and hauling him over my shoulder. I trembled from exhaustion... and something else.

"I'm from Spain!"


We made it back to...ourhouse quickly. Kiros had been waiting there to greet us, but I hastily walked past her and Baylee, to set Chris on the couch carefully.

I knew if I didn't treat him with care, I would suffer for it later..

My whole body still ached. I was sure Blake had broken several ribs, judging by the bruises I could see through one of the tears of my blood-stained shirt. 

I'll admit it.

I was worried.

Not for the idea of Blake returning, either.

I was worried about Chris-

Oh, no.

I let my guard down. I shouldn't of though of that..

I felt a burning gaze on the back of my neck, and I already knew that I had made Baylee even more suspicious of us.

It Started with Ice Cream, and Ended with FangsWhere stories live. Discover now