Love in an Elevator

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"Hello, Sam?" Castiel shook him gently. Sam's eyes shot open. "No! Get away from me! Let me sleep!" He hissed, trying desperately to fall back into his real dream. He couldn't just let Anna die. Or whatever angels did. "Sam, why are you acting like this?" Castiel asked worriedly, touching Sam's forehead for a temperature. "Get off me! I need to get back to Gabe!" He yelled. Castiel arched an eyebrow at him, though he thought better of anything but walking out of the room. Castiel shut the door behind him, walking to Dean's room. "Hey, Dean?" He asked, knocking on Dean's bathroom door. A loud "what" came from inside the room. Dean opened it a moment later, standing there with a towel over his whole body, a toothbrush in his mouth. Castiel frowned. "Dean, you had top surgery." He reminded him, gesturing at his towel. Dean looked down at himself. "Oh. I guess I forgot." He laughed, his smile lighting up his entire face with true happiness, rubbing the back of his neck. His face became serious again. "Now what is it you needed, Cas?" He asked. Castiel seemed to snap out of a trance. "Oh! Uh. Sam was sleeping and I woke him up. But he yelled at me and shoved me off him. He said he had to get back to Gabriel..." Castiel squinted confusedly. "I'm sure he's fine, babe. Maybe he saw Gabriel in a dream again." Dean shrugged slightly, his shoulders much more bulky, his collarbones going with the motion. Castiel licked his lips. "Probably." He said incoherently. Dean backed into the bathroom again. "Ok, well, I'm gonna get dressed and then I will go down to the cafe with you." He laughed. That had been the final straw with Castiel, who turned him around fast and attacked his mouth, all his troops marching into battle, Dean's mouth tasting spectacularly of mint. Dean let go of the towel he had held onto all this time and kissed Castiel with just as much force. "I love you so much, Dean." Castiel said, flushed and breathless. Dean smirked. "I love you too, babe." He murmured, returning to his clothes.

After the small incident in the bathroom doorway, Dean had walked with Castiel down to the cafe. "I'm amazed you got your legs back so fast." Dean grinned impishly. "I've never had the patience for other people to wait on me. I absolutely refuse to be a burden." He said. Castiel hugged him gently. "You'll never be a burden to me." He told Dean sincerely. The sandy blonde nodded, pressing the elevator button to go to the first floor. "I mean it." Castiel tugged his arm a bit. Dean looked down at him. "I know, Cas." He kissed the top of the black haired boy's head and waited for the elevator to get to their destination. The elevator reached the floor much faster than they'd expected. The doors stayed shut. Dean waited impatiently for them to open, though with a sinking feeling of dread, he came to realize they were stuck. "Cas, I think the elevator is broken." He observed. "Obviously." Castiel huffed quietly. Dean picked up the elevator phone and called the mechanics. "Hello? Yes. Yeah, we are. How long? Oh. Can you go any faster? No, I understand. Thank you." Dean rolled his eyes way up to the ceiling. "The lady says the elevator might take one to two hours to run again." He explained. Castiel grumbled a string of curses. "Hey, don't be too upset. We have each other." Dean slid a comforting arm around his boyfriend with a slight grin. "You know, she did say it would be a while...." Dean waggled his eyebrows mischievously, his newly sculpted features making Castiel feel near faint. "Dean, we are not having sex in an elevator." He said flatly. Dean laughed. "Haven't you ever heard the song 'Love in an Elevator' by Aerosmith?" He demanded. "No," Castiel repeated in an even clearer voice. "Sex." Dean sighed. "Alright, but what else is there to do but each other?" He asked. Castiel chuckled. "I don't know, twenty questions?" Dean seemed to actually consider the idea. "Sure." He replied. Castiel stared at him blankly. "Uh, ok. Hm.... What was your first pet?" "We didn't have any. You?" Castiel thought for a moment. "I'm pretty sure we had a fish named Luci. But I called him Lucifish because he constantly bit me when I tried to feed him. Fish actually have pretty sharp teeth! We had a cat too, named him Chuck." He smiled. Dean made a face. "I'm allergic to cats." Castiel got a horrified look on his face. "How do you live?" He demanded. Dean shrugged. "Eh, I'm more of a dog person anyway." Castiel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, obviously in deep dismay. "How can we ever be together?" Dean grinned widely and wrapped an arm around Castiel. "We were meant to be." He said, waving his hand across the air once. Castiel laughed, shoving Dean lightly. "Shut up, you big lug." Dean's grin only deepened. He'd never thought he'd hear anything like that. "I love you." He replied simply, looking deeply into his boyfriend's eyes, all emotion open and intense. Castiel held his chin. "I love you." He said back. Dean slid his back down the elevator and Castiel followed him, wrapping his own arms around Dean.

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