Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Dean smiled at Sam as his little brother came back home, Sam merely waving half-heartedly. "Hey, Sammy." He greeted, his girlish voice more excited than usual. "Hey, Dean. How's it going?" Dean popped. "I got a promotion!" He squealed. Sam laughed and hugged his brother. "That's awesome! How much does it pay?" Dean grinned. "Fifty an hour!" Sam's mouth dropped to the floor. "What did you do?" He asked excitedly. "I'm gonna be working on cars, Sammy. Bobby offered me the shop when I get a little older!" Sam felt so much happiness for his brother. "And I'll be home more!" Dean added the last cherry to the hot fudge brownie sundae. "We can go to the park all the time!" Sam said, only hearing what he'd said after he'd done so. Dean frowned at his brother's sad eyes. "What's wrong, Sam?" He asked softly. "N-nothing." Sam replied, looking down. But Dean still saw the tear tracks running down his cheeks. "Sam, tell me what's wrong." Dean said firmly, still somehow maintaining his gentleness. Sam looked up at him. "Gabriel hates me. Probably thinks I'm a freak." He sniffled. "Why would he think that? You're an awesome kid." Dean patted Sam's head, not getting the reaction he'd expected. "Stop." Sam commanded, gripping Dean's hand firm. He dropped it. "He...I said something. And I shouldn't have." He didn't want Dean to know what he'd actually done. Dean wasn't going to let up. "What did you say, Sammy?" He asked softly. Sam refused to meet his brother's eyes. "Never mind." He shook his head. Dean crouched in front of Sam. "Sam, all we have is each other, so we need to help each other, ok?" Sam nodded. He took a deep breath, putting his hands in his pockets. "I have to tell you something that I've been thinking about for a while, first." He said slowly. Dean put a hand in his shoulder. "No matter what, I'm here for you, Sammy." Sam sighed. "Look, I think I might have feelings for Gabe. He's really sweet and cute, and all I want to do is kiss him." Again, he waited for the bad reactions. And again, they didn't come. Sam continued as he looked Dean in the eyes. "I think I like Gabriel. And I told him so." He looked down at his shoes. Dean brought his chin up. "Come here, Sammy." He said softly, pulling Sam into his arms and holding him. At first, Sam held back the tears, but he thought of losing Gabriel and started sobbing heavily. "I really like him! And he just ran away!" "Shh." Dean rubbed his brother's back, cooing, trying to help Sam. "Maybe he was scared." He said when Sam seemed to have calmed down. The smaller boy pulled away from Dean and stared bewildered at him. "Why would he be scared? He knows I like him! If he felt the same way, all he would have had to do was agree. Or kiss me. Kissing is good too." Sam laughed a bit before sighing deeply. "He doesn't like me back, Dean. And now he knows that I'm a... A... F-fa-" Dean dragged Sam into his arms again, quickly shutting him up. "I never want to hear that word come over your mouth, Sam Winchester. I swear to God, if I ever hear it, I will shave you bald." He threatened. Sam thought of his long brown hair. "No, not my hair!" Sam clutched his head and ran away from Dean. He ran outside, Dean close on his heels. "Leave me alone!" He laughed wildly. "Gotcha!" Dean yelled, laughing and rolling on top of his brother. Sam giggled uncontrollably as Dean pinned his arms to the dirt. "Say uncle!" He demanded. Sam didn't say anything. Until Dean made a tickling motion, a wicked grin on his face. "Uncle!" Sam screamed immediately. Dean smirked, jumping up from the ground. "Feel better?" Dean offered a hand down to Sam. "Yeah, Dean, thanks." Sam hugged his brother tightly and ran inside the house. Dean laughed quietly before remembering his own problems.

Would his insides ever match his outsides?

Hey, my little rainbows! I'm so happy you've read this far into the book! I wanted to thank you for everything you do! All the voting, commenting, and of course, reading mean so much to me!
So what do you guys think? Does Dean ever become the man he always dreamed of? Maybe he'll meet a man of his own? Will Gabriel commit his feelings? Or will he run away?
( *shouts* MUCH LIKE DEAN!!)
  Love you, little rainbows! 😘

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