When I'm Gone

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Sam sighed deeply as he took another sip of coffee. "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." He sang along loudly to the radio on Gabriel's windowsill. "Maybe he's not going to leave." Castiel said, suddenly in the doorway. Sam immediately noticed Dean wasn't with him. "Where's Dean?" He asked. Castiel smiled slightly. "Sleeping like a log. I figured I could spare some time with you and Gabe." Castiel laid a hand over Gabriel's forehead. "Still cold." He mumbled softly. Sam rolled his eyes. "I just wish I knew if he would wake up. I could handle the waiting if I did." Castiel thought for a moment. "You should kiss him again, see if his heartbeat speeds up."

Gabriel felt his mouth go dry at the mention of a kiss. He watched silently as Sam shook his head. "He's not going to wake up over a kiss, Castiel." He heard Sam say indignantly. "Anna?" He called, not really expecting her to show up. He was pleasantly surprised when the girl appeared behind him, smiling. "You have such a gorgeous soul, Gabriel." She said softly. Gabriel smirked. "Sorry, hon, I'm into boys." He laughed, short and clipped. "You don't have to hide your emotions from me. I can see them. I can also read your mind, clear as a bell." Gabriel nodded. "Why can't I wake up? Why am I stuck here?" He asked. Anna touched his shoulder. "Gabriel, I know this is hard to hear, but Sam is special and we want him back. He's rightfully ours. I wish we didn't have to take him, God do I wish, but he has spent all of his time on Earth." Gabriel watched silently as Sam eyed his body with depression. "It's there." He said. "I can see it in his eyes. He's giving up. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will be soon. Please, let us be together. I love him so much. We can't live without each other." Anna, an angel herself, seemed to be holding back tears. "I'm sorry, Gabriel." Her voice was weak and he knew if she were human, it would have cracked. "I can't lose him. And he can't lose me. And Dean will miss me. What about Castiel? He's the strongest bond I have besides Sam!" He pleaded to Anna, trying desperately to get her to listen. Anna's eyes watered. "I said I was sorry!" She burst out, instantly clapping a hand over her mouth. Gabriel had seen it. "You want to help me. You told me you were here to help me!" Anna wiped at her eyes, looking down at the floor for a long time. "I've always been...a little...different. I never wanted what the others did, I'm not like them. I want to help you, Gabriel Novak, but that would require me to disobey, and I cannot do that." Gabriel didn't even notice the tears sliding down his cheeks until he had to snuff his nose. "I love him, Anna." He replied hopelessly. There was a long, anxious silence before Anna kneeled down on one knee before Gabriel. "Ok." She said. "You're going to see him again."

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