Stories and Showers

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They pulled up outside a motel and John paid for a room. Sam and Dean grabbed their things and headed into their room. The motel was a little nicer than the usual ones, paint only chipping off on the doorframes. Dean moved into the bathroom and took a shower, while Sam hunted for an outlet to plug his laptop in. "Ahh!" Dean yelled as he slipped and fell. Sam didn't hesitate before running into the room. "Dean? Dean, are you okay?" He called loudly. He heard Dean brace himself against the shower wall and pull himself up. "Ugh. Yeah, Sam, I'm fine." He groaned. "Are you sure? Did you hit your head?" Sam asked worriedly. "No, I just fell down. I'm alright." Dean repeated. "Don't scare me like that, man!" Sam replied, shutting the door. Dean grinned.

Sam looked up a few stories and fanfiction on his laptop, while Dean slept. Sam popped his headphones in and played music, preparing to write a little. He cracked his knuckles and set to work. He wrote about a normal life. It may have seemed boring for any other reader, but Sam didn't care. He read the domestic lines over and over, wishing it was his life. He didn't include John. Dean was wrote as a strong and sarcastic man.

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