Back on the road

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John didn't come back that night. Or the next. And not the one after that. A week later, John finally stumbled inside the motel to find his son and "daughter" hungry and curled up together, watching a movie on Sam's laptop. "Let's go." He said simply, before shutting the door and waiting in the Impala. The boys packed their things. Dean sighed heavily as he stuffed frilly bras and panties and tank tops into his suitcase. "Sam?" He called softly. Sam stopped packing and turned immediately. "What do you need, Dean?" Dean grinned inwardly, just a little bit, at being called his true name. "I don't want to get in the car with him." He said quietly, unable to call him "dad" at the moment. Sam didn't say anything for a while. Then he sighed and nodded. "Neither do I." Sam replied. "I wish we could run away." Dean thought out loud. "Who says we can't?" Sam asked. "Everyone. I can't support you, I can't feed you, and you won't get into college. Besides, he'd find us eventually." Dean shook his head. Sam looked back at his suitcase and continued packing. Unexpectedly, he pulled Dean into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, Dean. This isn't right. He isn't fit to be a father. I was supposed to have a childhood. You were supposed to be born without boobs. You and I, we deserved love, damnit!" He cried. Dean cradled the back of his head. "Shh, I know, Sam. We just have to get through two more years. Then I'll be an adult and I'll take you with me. We'll go somewhere he'll never find us. Just two more years." Dean whispered soothingly. Sam pulled back and kissed his brother's cheek, while Dean ruffled his hair. "We can do this. Together." He hugged Sam one last time before zipping up his suitcase and going to face his father.

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