Broken Angel

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Sam stood up and stretched, looking at Gabriel's body, comatose on the bed. He noticed something else. He wasn't in his own body. Sam cocked his head, then recognized the familiar set of a dream. He shrugged and walked through the hospital, stopping when he got to Dean's room. He knocked, only remembering he was dreaming when there wasn't a reply. Sam pushed open the door and gasped. Standing there, watching Dean sleep with a sad smile, was Gabriel, alive and mostly well. "Gabe?" Sam called, his voice shaking and barely above a whisper. Gabriel's head whipped around to Sam. Sam ran into his arms. Gabriel wrapped them around Sam's small, frail body. He whimpered slightly, feeling Sam's bones more prominently. He held the boy by his shoulders. "Sam..." He hadn't realized the full extent of Sam's looks. His hair was completely disheveled, looking like it hadn't been washed in at least a few days, his nails were bitten short and stubby, his eyes had large, dark circles underneath them. Gabriel's heart shattered at what Sam asked next. "Please be real." He cried. Gabriel pulled him close again, cradling Sam's head in his chest. "How can you see me at all?" He felt Sam shrug. "I'm dreaming." He said sadly. Gabriel nodded. "Sam, listen, this is going to be hard to understand. Right here, right now, it's all real, just... A different kind of real. There's an angel named Anna trying very hard to get me back to you. I see you every day. You, Dean, Castiel, all of you. There are angels. I'm not sure what else exists, but I do know one thing. No matter what, Sam, you cannot let yourself slip from the world." His gaze was clear and locked supremely onto Sam's own. "I refuse to let you hurt yourself." He said steely. Sam nodded softly as a tear cascaded over his cheekbones. "I promise you never to give up." He whispered. "I'll always keep fighting." Gabriel smiled proudly, laying his forehead on Sam's as the couple always did. "I love you, Sam." He whispered. Sam closed the gap between them, pressing his dry lips to Gabriel's soft, inhuman ones. Gabriel instantly kissed back, only letting his mind think of Sam being so unkept for a moment. He moved his lips languidly against Sam's, cautiously sliding his tongue gently across the bottom. Sam let out a very quiet noise and Gabriel felt the boy's grin under his own. Sam pulled back, just for a moment. "It's ok." He said simply, kissing him again the next second. Gabriel nodded. He let his tongue graze Sam's teeth, gaining entrance rather quickly, and kissed him passionately. Sam didn't even attempt to battle for dominance, he just wanted Gabriel to hold him, kiss him. He ran his hands into Gabriel's blond hair, grasping small handfuls of it as he clung to the boy. "I'm right here, Sam." Gabriel breathed, pulling slightly away. "Never gonna leave you." Sam closed his eyes tight, hugging Gabriel very close. "Sam? Can't breathe here, buddy." Gabriel chuckled. Sam smiled a bit and let go of Gabriel. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" Gabriel thought for a moment. "Anna?" He called, wondering if she'd show up in front of Sam. He didn't feel the air move around him for a few minutes. Then Anna popped beside him, her wings making strong gusts of wind next to Gabriel. Gabriel stared wide-eyed at her. "W-what happened?" He demanded. Anna's eyes were half lidded. Her skin was covered in bruises and there were a few cuts along her cheekbones. "I'm...fine..." She mumbled, leaning on the hospital wall for support and seeming to dance in and out of consciousness. "You're not fine, Anna! What happened?" Gabriel repeated. Anna looked down at the floor. "The other...Angels to me..." She whispered. Gabriel dashed forward as the girl dipped suddenly to one side. "I'm...fine...." She said again. "Sam, help!"

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