Blurted Terror

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Sam stared at Gabriel. Over the past three weeks, Dean and Sam had stayed in the motel, not having a desire to leave. It made Sam happy. Dean didn't want to cause an end to it, so they stayed. He'd gotten more used to Gabriel, and had come to accept the fact he seemed to like Sam a little more than even the best of friends. But Sam didn't notice and Dean wasn't going to bring it up. "Samsquatch, not that I don't love hanging out at the park, but it would be nice to watch a movie instead. Or go for a picnic. Or have dinner!" Gabriel realized his ideas were sounding like a date. "When can I come over?" He asked. Sam's heart sped up a little bit and he wondered why. "I don't think Dean would want anyone at the motel." He said quietly. Sam took a deep breath. This crushing stress was going to rip him open. "I think I'm gay!" He blurted out. Sam immediately clapped a hand over his mouth. He waited to be hit, or shouting to ensue, some kind of pain. But all he felt was tense, awkward silence. Sam opened his eyes. Gabriel's usual smirk was gone. Now, the other boy just sat there in his swing, absolutely dumbfounded. Sam waited a moment, before his impatience took over. "Well?" He demanded. Gabriel flinched. Sam had never used that tone with him. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't. Uh." Gabriel was silent for a second, before he darted off and away from the park. Sam sighed, tears welling up in his eyes. "I knew he didn't like me." He muttered, walking back to the motel.

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