Have Fun in Prison, Asshole

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Black's eyes are focused on Pettigrew, like a hawk eying its prey.

"S-S-Sirius... R-R-Remus... My friends, my old friends..." The fat lump of cowardice murmurs, still on his knees at Remus and Black's feet.

Black points his wand down at Pettigrew, but Remus calmly pushes it away from Pettigrew's face. Remus folds his arms across his lap. "We've been having a little chat, Peter, about what happened the night Lily and James died. You must have missed the finer points while you were squeaking around down there on the bed-"

"Remus, you don't believe him, do you?" Pettigrew asks worriedly. "He tried to kill me, Remus!"

Remus's eyes narrow. "So we've heard." He says coolly. "I'd like to clear up one or two little matters with you, Peter, if you'll be so..."

Pettigrew's head is shaking from side to side like a toy. "He's come to try and kill me again! He killed Lily and James and Marlene and now he's going to kill me too." He reaches for the hem of Remus's robes, but Remus steps back. "You've got to help me, Remus."

"I would never kill them!" Black exclaims furiously. "Not Lily, not James, and....." his voice breaks. "and especially not Marlene."

Especially not Marlene? Who's Marlene?

"No one's going to try and kill you until we've sorted a few things out." Remus tells Pettigrew, with a sideway glance at me.

Pettigrew squeaks. "Sorted things out? I knew he'd come after me! I knew he'd be back for me! I've been waiting for this for twelve years!"

Remus raises an eyebrow. "You knew Sirius was going to break out of Azkaban? When nobody has ever done it before?"

I roll my eyes. "Remus, this is ridiculous. Let's just take him up to the castle and let Dumbledore deal with him."

"I want him to answer my questions, Ariana." Remus tells me softly. He turns back to Pettigrew. "How did you know Sirius was going to break out of Azkaban, Peter?"

"He's got dark powers the rest of us can only dream of!" Pettigrew cries. "How else did he get out of there? I suppose He Who Must Not Be Named taught him a few tricks!"

Black starts to laugh, and is not able to stop. He doubled over his abnormally small stomach. Azkaban was not kind to him. His laugh is emotionless and distant. This is probably the first time he's laughed in a long time.

Remus puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Black looks up at his old friend. The laugh is dead on his lips. He turns to Pettigrew. "Voldemort, teach me tricks?"

Pettigrew nearly jumps out of his skin.

Black's eyes tinge with satisfaction. "What, scared to hear your old master's name? I don't blame you, Peter. His lot aren't very happy with you, are they?"

"Don't know what you mean, Sirius." Pettigrew murmurs, breathing quickly.

"You haven't been hiding from me for twelve years." Black says. "You've been hiding from Voldemort's old supporters. I heard things in Azkaban, Peter. They all think you're dead, if you'd have to answer to them. I've heard them screaming all sorts of things in their sleep. Sounds like they think the double-crosser double-crossed them. Voldemort went to the Potters' on your information, and Voldemort met his downfall there. And not all Voldemort's supporters ended up in Azkaban, did they? There are still plenty out here, biding their time, pretending they've seen the error of their ways. If they ever got wind that you were still alive, Peter..."

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now