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When Ange and I get back home with Lee, I am reprimanded by almost everyone at the Weasley house. They knew we weren't kidnapped or something, because the twins told them we were okay, just on a mission. Tonks is furious, and Remus gives me a big disappointed look. No one will hear anything I have to say on the matter except for 'I'm Sorry'.

As a result, I am put on house arrest for the last eight days of break. I cannot leave the house to even go outside, and no letters can come in or go out.

So, naturally, when it's time to go back to Hogwarts, I am thrilled. Tonks and Remus both accompany me on the train, but Remus sits in a separate compartment. I have a feeling that Tonks won't let me out of her sight now.

Lee and Angelina have been doing great, I learn. The twins are still fine, and Alicia tells me that her and Micah really hit things off.

As soon as Oliver sees me, he approaches me. His chest is puffed out, and he stands much taller than ever before.

"Aria," he says. "we need to host tryouts as soon as possible. I'll meet with McGonagall and get them set up."

My brows furrow. "You mean I can still help with the team?"

He nods. "I want us to win this year, and I believe you can help with that."

"Okay." I say.

"Okay." He says.

Both of us are fumbling for an excuse to leave. We end up just turning around and walking away awkwardly.

Tryouts turn out to be the next week. I turn up, because I still am the manager of this team. Angelina, Alicia, Fred, George, Oliver, and Harry are already there with the five Chaser-hopefuls.

"McLaggen was here," Angelina whispers. "but we sent him off immediately. He doesn't get off with nothing on our watch."

I roll my eyes. "I don't care what he does anymore."

She smiles lightly. "Good. He's a prat anyway."

We begin the tryouts by learning who everyone is. One student is a third year Ravenclaw who pretends to be a Gryffindor so she can get on the team. Oliver freaks out and thinks she's spying for the Ravenclaws in order to know our team for the next game. She runs out crying after he yells at her.

And then there were four. A sixth year girl, a fourth year boy, a fourth year girl, and a third year boy.

Oliver has them try to score on him. Most don't. The only one who does is the sixth year girl, and then she falls off her broom and needs to go to the hospital wing.

Oliver gathers the team together. "None of them are good." He says, tapping his foot on the grass nervously. "What are we gonna do?"

"Maybe some have potential?" Harry suggests.

"Excuse me?" Someone says.

We turn around. It's Katie. She's looking bad. Her eyes are distant and dart all around as if looking over her shoulder. She is gaunt and thin as if she hasn't had two decent meals a day. Her shoulders are slouched and she does not make eye contact.

"What are you doing here?" Oliver asks stiffly. He still hasn't forgiven her for bailing right before the match against Hufflepuff.

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang