Later, Professor

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If anyone were to ask, no, I am not a teenage witch whose father is a notorious mass murder on the loose and whose godfather is a werewolf. Said godfather hasn't let the teenaged witch out of the house since her father escaped.

My mother's name was Danielle. She was deceived by my father's charm like many others. I was a toddler when she died. I was given to Remus, my mum's brother and my godfather. He's a werewolf, and that doesn't mean he can turn into a wolf by choice. He does it on every full moon.

I'm up for two hours before Remus starts getting ready. My sleeping hours are weird- I'll need sixteen hours of sleep sometimes, and then can run on five on some nights. While he's being slow, I make breakfast, get the paper, pack my bags, clean the house, and finish the book I've read four times since I've been in house arrest yet again.

Today Remus and I are going to Hogwarts. I'm still a student, and he just got a teaching job there. The Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, has been kind enough to offer him the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Remus doesn't get many jobs, so this is a big deal for him. You'd think he'd want to get up and celebrate with me, but he needs all his sleep for the full moon next week.

Remus stumbles into the kitchen a mere hour before we're supposed to leave. His clothes are ruffled, but he's out of his pajamas at least.

I hand him the paper and throw him a smile. "Morning, Remus."

He leans in and gives to top of my head a light kiss. "Good morning, Ariana."

Most people just call me Aria, but Remus doesn't get the memo. The twins call me Ari. They're my best friends, and have been since first year.

Remus grabs two of the pancakes I've just made and puts them on his plate. He takes a bite and then looks at me. "Are you excited for today?"

"Am I excited? Remus, you have a job, guaranteed to you for the whole year! Are YOU excited?"

He chuckles dryly. "Nothing is guaranteed, my darling."

I groan. "C'mon Remus, don't let logic get in the way! Let yourself be happy!"

He finishes his meal and tells me to go get dressed and ready. All Remus has to do is pack.

I head upstairs and select a pair of Muggle jeans, with a patterned tank top and cardigan on top of them. On my feet I wear some turquoise Toms. My hair is naturally wavy (but frizzy), so I just brush it out and put some mascara on. I also grab my sunglasses. Wizards haven't discovered sunglasses yet, but it will be revolutionary when they do.

Down in the kitchen, Remus is waiting for me with his briefcase in hand. It says, Dr. Remus John Lupin. His friends from Hogwarts gave him it when they were younger as a joke.

Remus smiles at me. "You like your mother when she was fifteen."

Recently, I've been trying to forget about my mother. I never knew her, and wishing that I did won't do me any good. Still, it's harder to forget something you've been wanting for ages. I just smile and nod.

"What is it?" He asks, face full of concern.

I force the smile wider. "Nothing." I say a little too cheerfully for my usual self.

Remus doesn't look like he believes me. The man is far too perceptive for my liking. But, being the good godfather he is, he drops the subject. "Come on, we'd better get going."

Picking up my bags, I take his hand. He squeezes mine, and we apparate to London. There's a pub in London that's out of the way, where wizards apparate to if they don't know how to travel the Muggle way. Many families are here because they need to get to King's Cross too. The pub is packed. The woman who owns it, Joan, approaches us herself. Her employees are finding other people to serve.

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now