The Queen of Frickin Trouble

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Dumbledore is frustrated with me as well, big surprise. I'm a big fat frickin failure, got it. Whatever, I guess. George doesn't seem mad, but I know he was very worried. Ange is gonna kill me.

After I get lectured, again, Dumbledore has George take me back to the Great Hall. We walk through the halls, and he is quiet. Disappointed in me too, I guess. When we reach the door to the Great Hall, George stops me.

"Ari, maybe we should make you invisible." He says.

I roll my eyes. "We don't need to, George. Everyone will be asleep anyway. Come on, I wanna go to sleep."

He sighs, and pushes open the door. We step into the Hall, and almost everyone is asleep, like I thought. The large door is closing behind us, and George whispers, "Ari, catch-"

But I am too late, and the door slams shut. The sound is sudden, and loud like a gunshot. Heads shoot up from their sleeping bags and pillows. Everyone is staring at me. They turn to each other, murmuring gossip.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" I shout. "Can you just leave me alone! Bloody hell, I just want to be left alone!"

Percy is bounding towards me, nose stuck up in the air like a prat. "Miss Black, find a sleeping bag and go to sleep. I do not know if the Headmaster knows-"

I push past him and find Fred, Angelina, Lee, and Alicia in their sleeping bags. I sink down next to Ange. She sits up and wraps her arms around me. "Where were you?" Angelina asks quickly. I bury my head into her shoulder without a word. She huffs in annoyance, but hugs me anyway.

The next morning, we are all taken back to our dormitories. While The Fat Lady is being restored by Filtch, she is replaced with a bumbling knight called Sir Cadagon, who threatens to duel everyone that comes his way. How he's supposed to duel as a portrait, I don't know.

Rumors float around that I let Black into the castle. Some say I was brainwashed, or tortured. Others say I did it willingly.

My friends and I stay up in Fred, George, and Lee's dorm for the next few days. They only share with Jonathan and Micah. Micah is never there, he's always in the common room. Jonathan doesn't seem to loathe me like all the rest. We only go to classes we like, so no Divination for me.

"So Aria, why were you not in the common room when we came back? Did you get a detention or something?" Lee asks out of nowhere one night.

The tenseness in the air solidifies like ice. My eyes wander around the room. "I was, um, with Remus." I say.

"Come on, where were you really?" Fred says.

I swallow. "I was up in Dumbledore's office. He thought I would cause trouble, you know."

Alicia's eyes are firmly staring into mine. She cocks her head to the side. "No you weren't. Come on, Aria, please."

"Fine." I huff. "I was crying my eyes out in the bathroom, alright? I was mad that my day had been ruined and that my life sucks so I cried in the bathroom."

Everyone is silent for a moment. The guys nod and Alicia gives me a sympathetic smile, but Angelina rolls her eyes. "Don't you think," she exclaims angrily, "that after all that we've done for you, all the loyalty we've given you, we deserve some truth back? Throughout all of this, we've stayed with you, never faltered. Your dad escaped from prison, we were there. The dementors attacked you, we were there. You got beat up, we were there. The whole school hated you, we were there. WE WERE THERE FOR ALL OF IT!" Angelina shouts. "We care about you, and don't want to see anything happen to you. The least you could give us in return is some frickin honesty!" She slams her hand on the bed in frustration, and stomps out of the room.

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now