Complete and Utter Hippogriff Dung

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I wake up in a hospital beds it's the sun shining through the window above my bed. Everything hurts. Madam Pomfrey sees that I'm awake and rushes over.

"Miss Black." She says. "How do you feel?"

I groan. My back hurts, my stomach hurts, my jaw hurts, my face hurts, I can barely see. "Like complete and utter hippogriff dung, Madam."

"That's to be expected." She says with a small smile.

The curtain around my bed and the cupboards where Madam keeps her remedies slide open. Professor McGonagall steps inside, and closes the curtain behind her.

Her face is lit up with concern for me. "Oh, Miss Black. How are you?"

Madam Pomfrey clears her throat with a warning glance at me. "Don't say it, Black."

I sigh and look at McGonagall. "I'm okay, Professor."

She sits down on the bed as Madam Pomfrey hands me another healing potion. "Do you remember what happened to you?"

I think for a moment. Those five people attacked me, and one of them was Katie. My friend. "I was walking back from the lavatory after class." I lie. "I hadn't been feeling well, so I stayed there after DADA. Five people in masks and nightclothes ambushed me on my way to the stairs. They thought I was going to the Owlery, to contact Sirius Black. I tried to walk past them, but they blocked the door. They were saying horrible things to me. So I pushed the person guarding it out of the way. They pulled me backward and said they weren't done with me, and that I couldn't contact my dad. Then they beat me up." McGonagall gives a slight gasp. She has a horrified look on her face. "I stunned a few of them, but they got back up after a few minutes. After I was down, they just kept beating me up."

McGonagall pats my hand softly. "Do you think you could identify them? Did you notice anything about them at all?"

I shake my head. "I don't know who they were." I lie. "But at least one of them was a girl. One was tall, another was short and stocky, one guy was built and muscly. The last figure I have no idea about because they never took their wand out so I stunned them quickly."

McGonagall sighs. "I assure you, Miss Black. We will stop at nothing to find your attackers, and severely punish them."

I nod. "Thank you, professor." I want her to leave so I can think.

"Very well, I will let you rest, Miss Black." Then she leaves, to see the Headmaster, no doubt.

Madam Pomfrey tells me to drink the potion for healing, and I down it. There are no lectures from her today. She gives me a calming drought, and I drink that as well.

"Who brought me here, Madam?" I ask.

She wipes some sweat off her brow. "Mr. Filtch saw you on the ground during his nightly sweep. He alerted me and I took you here."

I think about this. None of those prats had the decency to even take me to the hospital wing. The twins and Lee are probably furious, wherever they are. Angelina is probably yelling at someone to take out her anger, and Alicia is probably throwing herself into her schoolwork. Remus, oh Remus is teaching today! Oh what I would give to have my godfather beside me.

"So I came here last night?"

Madam Pomfrey shakes her head. "No, you came two nights ago. You were getting up and puking all of yesterday and last night."

I've been here for a day and a half. A day and a half! Imagine all the things that have happened since then! I don't even remember that happening. I look outside. Class must still be going on. Madam Hooch is teaching the first years how to fly on the Quidditch Pitch.

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now