The Vampire Who Likes AB Blood

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The next morning, I get out of bed early, ready for a fresh start. I put on my white button up shirt, with my Gryffindor tie, cardigan, and robes over it. But Ella won't even look at me. Her and Kylie rush out of the room early in the morning.

Angelina, in an attempt to help me stay in a good mood, starts singing 'Don't Stop Believin' by Journey in her horrible voice. Alicia joins her, and her good voice harmonizes with Angelina's off key bad voice.

We skip down to breakfast, now singing, 'We're off to see the Wizard' from the Wizard of Oz. Fred and George meet us halfway there and join the medley.

We get many odd looks, and someone even yells at us to shut up. But we don't stop until we come face to face with Minerva McGonagall. Our line disbands instantly, and we all stare up at her nervously.

"I think it's a good idea for the five of you to start working on your voices." She tells us with a stern look. "Except for you, Miss Spinnet. Your voice is lovely like a dandelion in the spring. Do try to keep from fooling around in the hallways, all of you." McGonagall pushes her spectacles up on her face, gives us a curt nod, and moves past us and down the hallway.

After we are sure she's gone, the five of us burst out laughing.

"Alicia, your voice is lovely like a dandelion in the spring!" I gush.

Alicia chuckles. "I never knew I had such talent."

Fred ruffles her hair. "That's our girl!" He coos.

We make our way into the Great Hall, and Alicia has to hand out the timetables. The twins strike up a conversation with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, while Angelina and I sit down by Lee.

Near Lee are Pavarti Patil and Lavender Brown. When they see me, they start whispering gossip and scoot away from me.

I roll my eyes and take a bite of a biscuit. Angelina swipes Lee's pastry off his plate and begins eating it. "Hey!" He calls. "I was eating that!"

Ange shrugs. Alicia drops our schedules on the table and sweeps past to deliver more. She has to stop by some first years and explain some things.

Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around. It's a young boy, probably a first year. He wears Gryffindor robes and a nervous smile.

"Excuse me?" He says boldly.

I can't help the confused expression on my face, but I nod. "Um, yes, hi."

The boy shifts uncomfortably. "Are you Sirius Black's daughter?"

"Yes." I say. My stomach gives an unfortunate twist.

He steps back in fear, and rushes over to his friends, where they begin whispering earnestly.

I turn around dejectedly and look at Ange and Lee.

"Don't worry about it." Ange tells me. "They're just kids being stupid."

Lee punches his hand into his palm. "Want me to talk to 'em, Aria?"

I shake my head. "They're kids, Lee. And besides, I should be used to it by now. It's not like I haven't had the name of Black all my life. I've always had it, like a fungus on your back."

Angelina and Lee exchange a look. "Weird analogy." Ange says. "But I get it."

Determined to change the subject, I pick up my timetable. I've got History of Magic first. What a great way to start off the term. Next is Potions. I'm not bad at the subject, but Snape makes the class dreadful. After Potions is Divination with Trelawney, who won't look at me because I give her 'bad omens'. As in more than one. Ouch. Finally is Remus's DADA class. He's spent all summer working on his lesson plans, and I helped him create them. I don't remember what he has planned for today, but I'm sure I'll like it.

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now