You are Insane!!!!

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Unfortunately, I am all healed up by the time exams come. Madam Pomfrey heals up my wrists quickly, but says my ribs are in a dangerous position. She gives me a potion and tells me that I need bed rest.

The day that I get out, McGonagall calls me into her office for career advice. All my friends have already done their career advice, but I need to get it over with before our OWLs.

"Black," she greets crisply. "how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

She gives me a stern look over her spectacles of disbelief. McGonagall stares at me for another moment, and then clears her throat. "What career path have you been thinking of following, Miss Black?"

I shrug. "I dunno, I haven't really thought of anything."

"Did you receive the pamphlet?" She asks. I nod. "And did you read the pamphlet?" Madam Pomfrey gave it to me during my house arrest, I must've read it a dozen times.

"Yes." I tell her.

McGonagall sighs. "Miss Black, every other Gryffindor student has been able to come in here and give me some idea of what they wish to do. The Weasley twins even had an intricate plan for the joke shop they wish to open. Miss Spinnet gave me a detailed analysis of her life for the next fifty years. You haven't come up with anything at all?"

I shrug again. "Nothing sounds interesting to me. I don't have the patience, skill, or knowledge required for anything on that list."

"This is not an issue of talent." McGonagall tells me. Her tone is gentler, but still stern. "Miss Black, you can still work to become better. What about working for the Ministry?"

Our gazes connect and she realizes what she has just said. "They won't hire me." I tell her. "Not the daughter of a mass murder and werewolf. They don't deserve to have me with how they treat werewolves anyway." I say forcefully, mostly to convince myself.

McGonagall looks over the pamphlet again. "What about being a Wandmaker?"

I shake my head. "I can't do that, I'm not patient enough."

McGonagall sighs. "What OWLs do you hope to achieve?"

"Probably the only interesting ones." I tell her. "DADA, Charms, Astronomy, Transfiguration, Potions, and Herbology."

She thinks for a moment. "With OWLs in all of those subjects, you could be a Healer."

"Maybe." I say to appease her. "Yeah, that sounds good."

McGonagall doesn't seem to believe me, but looks satisfied enough. "Alright, Black. Go study for your OWLs." She hands me a schedule for my OWLs.

I nod. "Yes, professor."

Her words stop me at the door. "Never sell yourself short."

I take a deep breath, and keep walking. Tomorrow we start taking our OWLs. I need to study and get a good night's sleep.

Tensions are running high amongst all the fifth year students. Hormones are escalating for everyone. Angelina and Lee are constantly fighting because she is so stressed. Micah and Alicia barely talk, they are studying so hard.

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now