Bloody Fools

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When we arrive at Hogwarts, Professor Snape comes to retrieve me with a sneer. "Why is it always you getting in trouble, Black?"

I take a deep breath. "I just have really bad luck." I tell him quietly.

Snape humphs. "What happened, Black? Insult someone one too many times? Get into a fight you couldn't get out of?"

"Dementors stormed the train, okay?" I snap back.

Snape turns to me with genuine astonishment. I thought they would've sent an owl ahead to Dumbledore to warn Hogwarts the dementors were coming. They were probably looking for my father. "You better not be lying, Black."

I try to glare at him, but the area around my eye is swollen badly. "Do I look like I'm in the mood to lie right now, professor?"

We reach the castle, and enter the side near the hospital wing.

"So you fought off the dementor?"

I nod.

"With a patronus charm?"

I nod again.

Snape's lips twirl into an amused smirk. "Hmm."

We continue to walk in silence. I can hear the chatter of the other students from the other side of the castle. Snape leads me into the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey is busy making beds.

When she sees me, the old patron rolls her eyes. "Back here already, Black? You never seem to be able to stay healthy, can you now?"

Madam Pomfrey has always been the nagging sort of old woman, but if I can give her anything, it's that she cares about all the students. Her and I are practically best friends because of how many times I've been in here. Well, when she's not lecturing me for getting hurt again.

Madam Pomfrey sits me down on a bed. "Now, my dear, what happened this time?"

"There was a dementor attack on the train." I tell her, glad that my voice is regaining strength. My happy memories are also returning.

Madam Pomfrey's face grows pale. She leans back and looks at Snape. "I will take care of her, Severus, and send her back when she's ready. You should go to the Feast."

Snape nods his head and leaves, long black cloaks billowing behind him.

Madam Pomfrey turns to me again. "Alright, dear, go ahead. What happened?"

"The dementors attacked the train, looking for Sirius Black, you know? They stopped the train, and I got thrown into a wall." I tell her. She gets up and begins searching a nearby cupboard. "Remus says my wrist broke in two places, and he only managed to fix one. My shoulder hurts, and I think I have a black eye."

Madam Pomfrey hands me a vial and some chocolate. "Calming drought and chocolate, unhappiness's worst nightmare."

I smile weakly and down the potion before starting on the chocolate. "Thank you."

She waves her hand dismissively. "I gave up on thank yous a long time ago, Miss Black."

Now she approaches me with another potion and her wand in hand. She lifts my wrist, and says the same thing as Remus, "Episkey." The broken bone in my wrist snaps back into place. I wonder how Madam Pomfrey does the spell differently from my godfather. She hands me the potion, and tells me it's a healing potion, designed to help my shoulder, eye, and wrist heal properly. "I'm sorry, Miss Black, but your eye is still an unpleasant shade of purple. The only thing you can do for that now is makeup. Need I show you how to cover it up?"

I shake my head. "No thanks, Madam, I can do it. The black eye will make me look scarier anyway."

She gives me a light smile as I drink the potion. "You are free to go, Black, if you promise to keep out of trouble for a few more weeks."

Aria Black and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Re-Write*Where stories live. Discover now