"You know, I was surprised about your text message"

"I was too shy to say it in person hahaha!"

"Have you told your parents about it?"

"Yes, I called them the day after and they were also happy, and can't believe that their joke will come true"

Kai leans on Ae Rin's shoulder, "thank you for giving me another chance to be with you. Maybe I was immature back then and insensitive to your feelings"

"I already forgive you"

"I miss the old us", Kai said, "Every time I reflect, I feel guilty about breaking up with you"

"Stop the drama, oppa"

Kai hugs Ae Rin's arm and continue confessing everything. They spent two hours in the convenience store and they take a bus going home.

The next day, news has spread about two. They have stolen pictures from the fans, they were eating at the store and their bus ride. Both companies have released their statement.

"...We were aware of their relationship. The couple confessed everything about their relationship. They just started dating this Sunday evening..."

Some fans outrage, some were happy about the news. Both were busy in promotion as well and Ae Rin's kissing scenes were lessened because she promised Kai for it. They go out once a week but if they have concert overseas, they send pictures with each other. 

Ae Rin was in China for their solo concert. She was strolling in the night alone. She has to buy napkins. She walks home after buying from the convenience store but she didn't know that there is a group of girls following her. She was unaware of the danger coming to her. She stop at the bus top and waits for a bus. Someone cups her face with a scarf with a chloroform chemical that made her pass out. Before the girls leave they kick  Ae Rin and take her valuable things except for the phone which has a password and left a note. After a few minutes, a concerned citizen spotted her and take her to the hospital. The nurse can't contact someone since her phone is useless and they don't understand the language.

Meanwhile, the girls are worried since Ae Rin was not yet home. Their manager calls the phone and stranger pick up. They talk in English and soon they hurry to the hospital.

"Excuse me, what happened to her?"

"hmm.. a citizen found her pass out and revealed that she inhaled chloroform that made her sleep, but she's in good condition now. If she wakes up, she is good to go"

The citizen who rescued Ae Rin gives the bag, the police have interviewed and read the note. It was a threat and full of curse words when translated. The police will investigate who is responsible for this and start patrolling. On the concert day, they announced that Ae Rin can't join the concert and she will be returning to Korea. The company released statement about the ambush.

"... We are alarmed by a group of Chinese girls who ambush Ae Rin on a shed. We thought that we will cancel our future plans on China and cut all ties there. This ambush was an immature act of fans and decided not to hear more of reasons if the girls were arrested.

Even though Ae Rin can fight back, she decided of doing nothing since it was girls but she never thought that these girls would do violent act to her. I hope that this will be a lesson to all"

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