Chapter 4

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  A bright light in my eyes pulled me from unconciousness. I groaned, my head pounding.  I open my eyes, finally adjusting. I realize I'm in the packs infirmary. I can hear voices outside the door. I recognize them as my parents, and...... Ryder?
     They are talking about my condition. From what they say, I"ll be fine. I sigh in relief, that vanpire was just pure evil.  My neck hurts, but other than that and my headache, I feel fine. The door opens, and Ryder steps through. He smiles at me. I smile back.
"Hey," he says smiling at me.
  I gulp, nervous and also happy to see him. He looks to good to be true in all black, with a leather jacket and black boots. His hair has tousled look, slightly falling in his eyes.
I blush, "Hey."
"I was worried about you, you were bleeding so much."
"Yeah, the way that vampire looked at me, like he wanted to kill me-"
"Hey, don't think that, he's taken care of," Ryder interrupted.
"I know, thank you for saving me Ryder," I said.
"Your my mate, I won't let anyone hurt you," He said leaning close.
  Ryder started leaning in.  I thought he was going to kiss me, but he kisssed my forehead. I smiled, every time we touched, sparks shot through me.
"Are my parents here?"
"Theyr at your house, no visitors."
"Then how did they let you in?"I asked, confused.
"I didn't say they let me in," He chuckled.
"You are so bad!" I gasped.
"Bad for you," he said huskily.
I laughed, "That was so cheesy!"
"I know, but come on, keeping me from my mate, not a good choice," Ryder tsked.
  I laughed.
"Well since we are mates, we should at least learn more about eachother," I said.
"Sure, sounds interesting."
Time skip cause i can

   After talking for a while, I learned me and Ryder had some things in common. Like our favorite color was black, we both enjoyed music, exept country. We both loved nutella, and our favorite subject was art.

We were both laughing by the end of our conversation. Ryder said he had to go after getting a text from his dad.
"Who' s your dad, I don't think I've met him,"I said.
"Oh, he's not to cool," He blew off.
"Come on, who is he, I wanna know who raised ny mate."
"His name is Jonah," Ryder said.
My eyes went wide, "As in alpha Jonah?"
Ryder than nodded, but before I could ask anything more, he kissed my cheek, excusing himself. Once Ryder was gone, I went in the bathroom in my room. I looked in the mirror, taking in my pale face, dark eye bags, and crazy hair. I almost laughed at how crazy I looked.

  The next few hours consisted of me being dishcharged, and the doctor checking me for the last time. On the car ride home, it wasn't quiet at all. My mom was talking exitedly about these new recipes she found. We had this thing where we tried out recipes, just for fun.
  The conversation wasn't interesting, so I tuned my mom out. My mind kept going back to his face. It seemed like he didn't like his dad. I didn't want to press him further, so I dropped it.
   When we reached home, I immediately went to my room.The open window is what caught me off guard. I specifically remember shutting it before getting my bike. Looking around my room, I saw nothing was out of order, so I just shut the window.
  I was in the forest. The sun was setting, and it was cold. I could see my breathe before me. I noticed I was out of breath, but I couldn't guess why. I was somehow scared, scared of something in the woods with me. My eyes kept looking in front of me.I knew something was there. I looked away, then back. Just as a large black wolf came charging at me. I turned and tried to run, but it was like I was in slow motion.

I looked back, seeing the wolfes jaws right in my face.

  I shot up, awake and alert. I was panting, trying to catch my breath. I looked around me, but all I could see were woods. I started to panic. I must have been sleep walking. I sniffed the air. I could smell my pack faintly, so I shifted. My wolf was yipping happily, being let out.
"Come on, lets run!" She yipped.
"Calm down, I have to get to school," I said.
  My wolf whimpered, dissapointed.
"I promise we can go for a run later," I promised.
She barked happily.I chuckled, our wolf form wasn't big but wasn't small. My pack, the Silver Moon pack, trained us all in defending ourselves in case rouges attacked.
  Rouges were people who went against their pack, their Alpha. They were on their own, with nothing. To me it was just plain stupid, and as nice as I am, I feel no remorse. Rouges that I have seen always complain about their situation, but they chose it.

Soon I am standing on my back porch, I shift into my human form, hurrying in the house. When you shift, you loose your clothes. It sucks, especially for girls. I make it in my room safely. I take a shower, wash my hair, then get ready for school.

  Today is Monday, so I'm not too exited about today. At least I can talk to Amy. After I'm done getting ready, I go downstairs, getting a fudge poptart. As soon as I'm done eating, a car horn honks outside.
I smile, grabbing my bag.
"Hey," I greet Amy, sliding in the passengers seat.
"Hey, thats it?"
"Yeah?" I  chuckle.
"Dude, a vampire but you! How did it feel, was he cute?"
I laughed, "Amy, I could have died!"
"Right, sorry," she grumbled.
"Well, it did hurt because he was using his teeth to puncture holes in my nec-"
"Ok ok, I get it, it was sucky!"
"Dam straight,"I said, but smiled a little.
We were laughing all the way to school, cracking jokes.I wiped the tears from my eyes as we headed in the building. School was going to start in five minutes, so we parted ways. On my way to my locker, I didn't see Ryder. A bit dissapointed, I went to English. Apart from a substitute teacher who had yellow eye contacts, the first half of my day was normal.

I sighed in relief when I was one period from lunch. Science was not my favorite, but it was tolerable. I sat in the rectangle table in the back, looking out the window. I was lost in thought, but snapped out when the classroom door opened, then slammed in the wall. Everyone sat, frozen, terrified. Then Ryder walked through the door.

  He looked like the typical bad boy, all black, toothpick in his mouth, menacing glare. He searched everyones faces until his eyes found mine. I gulp as he stalked towards me. When he reached me, Ryder grabbed my elbow. He gently pulled me up, I was standing. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close.
"Ryder?" I asked confused.
He didn't answer me. I looked in his eyes, and almost shrank back. He looked at me like I was a donut and he hadn't eaten in a week. Ryder grabbed my stuff, then led me towards the door. The look on everyone's faces made me even more worried.They were humans, they didn't know. Hell I didn't know what was going on.

"Uh, Sir, I don't think its allowed to just take someone," The substitute said.
"I don't care," Ryder shrugged.
"Look you obvio-"
"SHUT UP!" Ryder growled.
  Everyone in the room was scared, even me. I had never seen this side of him. Even before he was my mate.The teacher shut his mouth, and with that Ryder dragged me out of the classroom. I didn't say anything. He was acting crazy, was he on drugs?

Ryder dragged me behind an old stairway, trapping me against the wall. I'm pretty sure he could hear my heart beating rapidly. Ryder leaned down to my ear.
"Hello little mate."


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