Chapter 19

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I searched Laurie's eyes, looking for a sign. Anything. Anything was better than nothing. Even if Ryder was in a coma and no one knew when he would wake up. At least Ryder would be alive.

"Well, he's healing fine, in fact he's awake," Laurie said.

I couldn't believe it. My mate was going to be okay! Thank the moon goddess.

"Where is he? Can I go see him?!"

"Yes, but I'll have to warn you, Ryder is a bit different."

"Different. what do you mean?"

I was confused, how could he be different?

"Emma, you brought Ryder back to life! That kind of thing just doesn't happen."

   Yes, I barely remembered that.My mind was still fuzzy.

"Wait, so what's wrong?"

"Its hard to explain, maybe I should take you instead," Laurie said.

I nodded, allowing her to help me stand up from the bed.I didn't feel any pain, so I knew I was okay. Laurie led me out the room, and a couple doors down from my left.The door was slightly adjar, the room dark.

I flipped the light, the room allowing me to see my mate. He was asleep. His face had a light bruise, but other than that he was fine. Thank the moon goddess! I slowly walked to him, then sat in the chair by him.

Ryder looked so peaceful, there.I held his hand.He was so warm.His color had returned to him. I was so thankful he was okay.  I felt my eyes well up with tears. Ryder and I had been through so much.

My only hope was that we could be together peacefully. I was watching him when suddenly his hand twitched.

"Ryder?" I asked.

Slowly very slowly his eyes opened. I gasped, they were no longer midnight black, but sky blue.

"Ryder! Your eyes!" I exclaimed.

Ryder stared blankly at me.Then, he started laughing.As if I had said the most funniest thing he's ever heard in his life.

I stared at him as laughed, and laughed, and laughed.I looked back at Laurie, confused. She had the same confusion on her pretty features. We stared at Ryder as if he was a mad man.

Finally, he stopped. In one second, he was laughing, the next he was completely calm.I took a step back from Ryder.

"What darling, are you scared?" Ryder said with a sneer.


What the hell is happening?! Why is he acting like this?

"We believe his wolf has detatched from him, since he died. Then he was brought back to life, but the bond with his wolf isn't completely there. This leaves him a little insane," Laurie said as if reading my mind.

"How do we fix it, what do we do?!" I cried.

Ryder must me in pain.I have to help him. I'd do anything for Ryder.

"It will take you and the Alpha and the pack shaman.The Alpha's presence will demand his wolf to come back.The shaman will ise magic yo complete the bond. The Alpha is away on buisness, so we will have to wait."

"How long?" I asked.

"A couple days, but I must warn you Emma.Ryder could die during the process."


"If he isn't strong enough, but I know he is," Laurie said.

If Ryder died, I don't know what I will do. I looked back at him, seeing he was passed out.

That night, I prayed to the moon goddess Ryder would make it.

AN: Sorry its short, I didnt have a lot of time with school and all that. Comment, vote? 😄

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