Chapter 11

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     After hearing the conversation between Ryder and the Alpha, I had to admit I was a little worried. James was crazy, and Ryder was going to be Alpha soon.  Which means he has to mark me. In every pack, the mating process is different.

    In my pack, the process can continue for years, but thats rare. Its rare because there is an attraction between the couple, that urges them to complete the process if ya know what I mean.

     For me and Ryder, that feeling is times ten, because he will be alpha.So we probably can't be around each other. I chuckled at that, why I thought it was funny, I don't know.

    Before Ryder came back in, I snuggled deep in the blanket. That was an awkward convo, and I wasn't ready to talk about that with Ryder.  Call me a prude, I don't care. Ryder eventually came back in, sighing deeply.

"I know your awake Emma," he mummered.

    I froze, but gave up the act anyway. I sighed, sitting up in the bed.

"Is your father serious?" I asked.

"What, you don't want people to know that you belong with me?"

   I blushed, feeling shy.

"Its not that, just how will you be near me?"

"I don't want you to go anywhere unclaimed. The only reason my mark isn't on you is because I know your not ready," Ryder said.

    I blushed even more. Ryder was suddenly looking like a dangerous person, looking at me hungrily. I knew he wanted to claim me, but I wasn't ready. I've never had a boyfriend before. I was always the girl who cared about her grades to get in a good college.

    Therefore, me being the perfect child, I had no time for a boy. Sure there were some here and there that I knew liked me, but they never acted on it. So, I was an unexperienced girl. Geez, the Alpha does not understand.

"Do you want to mark me now?" I asked nervously.

    Ryder came towards me, a dangerous look on his face. He leaned down to my level.

"More than anything, your mine," he growled.

    He was so close to me, I literally felt he was looking in my soul. I put my hand on his chest, pushing lightly.


  He grabbed my hand, pushing me down and held my hands above my hands.

"Ryder!" I exclaimed.

"Please don't push me away," he whispered.

     He tenderly kissed my cheek before letting me go and sitting down in the chair next to me.

"Sometimes you scare me," I joked.

    Ryder smiled, then his face turned alarmed.

"What is it?!"

"My father just told me James escaped!"


    Ryder looked ready to kill someone.

"Ryder its ok-"

"DONT SAY THAT! This means he'll come for you, and try to be Alpha!"

'He can't beat you!"

"We don't know that! This pack has a lot of power. I know he has some type of army or help,but how?"

   Ryder started to pace the room. He had a dark look on his face.

"I need to go," he mummered then disapeared through the door.

"Ryder, wait!" I yelled, but he was already gone.

   I sighed, than layed down.


     Later, I was allowed to go home, and I was now sitting in my room with Amy.

"So whats been up with you?" I asked her.

"Well, I haven't even found my mate yet, so yayyy!" she said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find him or her soon," I teased.


"Ya never know, at least your mate wouldn't be annoying," I joked.

"True, so whats up with Mr. Bad Boy?"

"Well, he has to mark me soon..."

"Damn, dude there will be so much tension, you'll have to cut it with a knife!"

"Amy! Oh moon goddes no! He won't be near me for a week."

"Because he'll have to resist having animal s-"

"Amy!" I exclaimed blushing like crazy.

     After Amy had left and I stuffed my face with pizza, youtube was sounding fun so I went up to my room. I jumped when I saw Ryder on my bed. As soon as he saw me, using unhuman speed, he pulled me and pinned me down on the bed.

"Ryder, what the hell?!"

"Emma, let me mark you," he said.

    Fear spiked through me as he leaned down.Closer and closer to my awaiting neck.

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