Chapter 23

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   I got out of my chair, ready for war. I almost told the humans to leave. No one hurts my bff and gets away unscathed. I marched up to them. Amy had tears in her eyes, while Braxton was just staring at her. He didn't even realize Ryder and I's approach.

"I'm sorry, I just never thought I would have a mate," Amy said, fresh tears in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

  I almost reached them when Ryder grabbed my arm. He pulled me back, so my back was too his chest.

"He's hurting her," I angrily whispered.

"No he isn't, watch," Ryder whispered in my ear.

  I did. I saw Amy laugh, and I almost passed out with relief. She was going to be okay, everything would be okay. All I had ever wanted was Amy to be truly happy. I knew that not finding her mate had bothered her more than she let on.

  It filled me with joy to see Amy laugh, to see her smile as Braxton  smiled at her lovingly. Honestly, I was fangirling over them. It sucked they had to keep it on the down low because of the teacher-student thing.

  Ryder turned us around, taking me to my seat.

"Its just weird too see the REAL Braxton. Not the crazy, really James, Braxton."

"Yeah, we didn't get aling much before. So yay for me."

"Can you believe what would hsve happened if he'd never come back to the U. S?" I asked.

"Both of them would be unhappy," Ryder guessed.

"Both of them would have been incomplete. I'm so glad everythings worked out," I said smiling.

"I'm glad I have you," Ryder said.
   I smiled at him, today was a good day.


    The rest of the say consisted of Amy talking about Braxton. I was happy for her, but she was talking my ear off.

   It was currently last period. Five minutes till the bell. I was tapping my feet, willing the seconds to pass quickly. Of course, it felt like an hour before the bell rang.

  I sprang out of my seat. Today was going to be a normal day. I could hang out with people I loved, and not have to worry about creepers.

   I had never wanted anything so bad, to be normal, but it never was. Not in the beginning. Where do you hear about a super shy girl being mates with the hot bad boy? That in a sense ws crazy, thank you moon goddess. I'm glad I'm not human.

   If I was human, I would never had known about what was really out there. I would have never had someone destined for me. I would never know what it was like to feel one with a wolf.A part of me would be missing.

"Hey Emma," Ryder said, breaking me out of my thoughts.


"What were you thinking about?" Ryder asked, taking my heavy back pack off my hands.

"Thanks. I was just thinking about being human. I wouldn't have this, I wouldn't have you. Even if bad things have happened, I'm glad they did."


"I've learned so much from it. We were able to grow stronger together," I said.

  By the time I finished the sentence, we were by Ryder's car.  Ryder tilted my chin up, kissing me posessively. Starting to melt, I pulled away. Even when we weren't in contacr, I could still feel the tingles.

"Slow down tiger, we are still at school," I joked.

"Not for long, " Ryder said.

  He chuckled as I gave him a playful glare. He helped me in the car, then got in.We pulled out of the school parking lot, heading to Ryder's home.

Ryder glanced over at me, his eyes wide.He slammed on the brakes. I stopped myself before I went flying in the dash board.

"Ryder, what the hell?"

"Where the hell did you go Emma?"

"The hell are you saying?" I snapped.

  Jeez, this guy. Sometimes Ryder really got on my nerves. I bet my hair looked a mess. I got out my phone looking at my reflection. I dropped it in horror. Instead of myself, I was a completely different person. I was... Amy?!

"Why do I look like Amy!"I yelled.

"Oh moon goddess, you sound like her too," Ryder said, looking at me in awe.

"How did this happen?!" I pratically screamed.

"I have no clue, we need to see the pack doctor," Ryder said, doing a sharp u-turn.

"What is a DOCTOR going to do about the fact that I TURNED INTO ANOTHER PERSON!"

"Calm down Angel. Laurie is a skilled doctor, but she knows everything about werewolfes and supernatural creatures."

"Ok, please hurry," I urged.

  Don't get me wrong, Amy was gorgeous, but I wanted to be me. I can't look like someone else.

"Well, if I'm stuck like this, at least I'll be beautiful," I mummered.

"You will always be beautiful to me," Ryder said.

  It was sweet, but failed to calm me down. The fact that I randomly took on Amy's appearane was mind boggling.How did this happen? Am I an alien or something?

  Finally, we pulled in at Lauries house. Apparently it was her say off. Ryder got out, helping me out. Looking like Amy, I was raller then I actually was. I was a couple inches smaller then Ryder.

  Ryder led me to the front doors. He knocked, immediately the door opened, revealing a chipper Laurie.

"Hey, saw you pull up! Hello, I've never met you before, who may you be?" Laurie asked me.

  I groaned internally. This would be fun.

"That's the thing. This is Emma," Ryder said.

"Whar?" Laurie asked, giving Ryder a blank stare.

"Emma and I were driving down the road, I looked over and saw her like this. I think Emma has taken over the image of her friend Amy. The thing is, I don't know WHY. We don't know how this happened," Ryder explained.

"Come in," Laurie said, moving aside to let us in.

I looked around as Laurie led us to her couch. I could tell she liked cats. She had a lot of cat stuff.We sat down, Laurie examining me.

"Emma, do you know why this happened?" she asked.

"No, I don't. I didn't know something like this was possible!"

"Okay, from what I've seen in my years, this looks like shape shifting, and theres only ine person you could inherit this from if you take the power."

  Ryder and I looked at each other, shocked. I knew exactly what was the cause if this. James.

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