Chapter 20

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    It had been three days. Ryder has gotten worse, and it breaks my heart. Yesterday when I visited him, he looked terrible. Ryder was very pale, with dark bags under his eyes. His eyes were blood shot, a slight sheen of sweat on his skin.

    When I visited, Ryder said nothing. He just stared at me, with a dark expression on his face. I remember that he was always watching me. Seeing every fidget, every move. It scared me, honestly.

   I sighed, sitting on my bed. I was thankful for the Alpha. He had heard about his son's condition, and is coming home tomorrow. It was about nine oclock, and I was just about to visit Ryder. I visited at least twice a day.

   There was no way I was going to leave my mate hanging. Even if he did creep me out right now. Taking my time, I left my house and towards the pack hospital. It was a small hospital, about the size of a mansion. It would be smaller, but we had a lot of pack members.

   Outside, it was a clear sky with a cool breeze. It was ominously  quiet. I could hear my own foot steps.

"Emmmaaa," something said.

   I spun around, where had that voice come from? If I'm being honest with myself, it sounded like Ryder. Shaking it off, I continued on. With the pack hospital in sight, I sped up.


   I whipped around, that was right next to my ear. Suddenly, I felt like I was being watched. Without thinking, I ran. I swear it felt like I was being chased. Fear spiked through me.

   Finally, I made it to the hospital doors. I threw the door open, shutting it behind me. My heart was racing so bad, I couldn't calm down. What is wrong with me? After taking deep breaths, I felt a little better. I made my way to Ryder's room.

   Quietly opening the door, I left the light off. I glanced at Ryder, he was completely asleep. I sighed, then sat in the large chair at the window. It was a really nice night, despite that creepy stuff earlier.

   I don't know how long I sat there, but suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me.I jumped, looking up, locking eyes with Ryder's. He still had the crazy blue eyes. His expression was one I couldn't read.

   Ryder leaned down, his lips ghosting my jaw, before lightly kissing where he marked me I shivered involuntarily.

"Ryder, wha-"

   Suddenly he was kissing me, and not a nice one. This was passionate, fiery. It scared me. Ryder was not himself. I pushed against his chest.Ryder grabbed my wrists, pulling me out the chair, and into his arns.

   Ryder tangled his hand in my hair, pulling my hair to the side. I gasped as his teeth ran over my mark.Suddenly, he bit me. Hard. I yelped, pushing him back.

   I covered my now bleeding neck. I stared at Ryder, shocked. What had gotten into him? I could see my blood on his lips. Suddenly he charged me. In one quick move, my hand were behind my back. I was completely vulnerable.

"Ryder stop!" I warned.

   He ignored me. I was really freaking out. He had bit me! Once again, his lips attacked me. Suddenly, he sank his teeth deep in my neck. I screamed as Ryder did this. I then realised he was DRINKING my blood.

   Why was he drinking my blood? Only vampires did that. I tried to get him off me, but he was too strong. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. Black started to dot my vision.I suddenly felt lighter.

  Finally, I saw only darkness.


   I woke up, seeing it was still dark. I was still in Ryders room, propped up in the chair.I heard struugling. I looked to see Ryder being tied down to his bed by a ton of people.

   He was yelling, struggling. Then I realized what he was trying to get to. Me. He looked so feral, rabid even. Suddenly Laurie came crashing in the door.

"We have to get Emma out now!" she yelled.

   Laurie ran over to me, checking my pulse. Deeming it was okay, she got out a foldable wheel chair out of thr closet by my chair. After unfolding it, she helped me into it.

   As soon as my feet were settled, Laurie zoomed out the door. We turned down a couple hallways, until we could no longer hear Ryder struggling. We stopped in the hallway, Laurie breathing heavily.

"What was that?!"

"He's going insane, thats what."

"I went to visit him, next thing I know he's bitten me and is drinking my blood! How do you explain that!?" I hissed.

"The strength of you two's bond is more immense than others. He is loosing himself, so this somehow gives him some kind of lust for blood. I've heard of this before, where other wolfes are attracted to others blood. Yet, Ryder only wanted yours. This illness gives werewolfes vampire like qualities."

"This is all so crazy!"

"I know, but the Alpha and shaman will be here in the morning. For now, we have to restrain him.I can still hear him struggling to get to you. Ryder can smell you, so we should get you outta here Emma," Laurie advised.

"Alright," I said.

   This had been a long, unexpected day.I couldn't wait to get my mate back.

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