Chapter 3

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Why can't I get away from this guy?

"Hello Emma, how are you?" Ryder smirks.

"Fine, I'm fine," I quickly say.

     Ryder smirks, and I fight the urge to smack it off his face.

"Mom, I'm going to my room, I have a headache," I say.
      Ryders face darkens, daring me to leave. Without my mothers  consent, I race up to my room, and lock the door. I smile when I hear Ryder leave after a few minutes.  I get up to take a shower, right as I get out of bed an intense pain errupts in my head.
    I grip my head, gritting my teeth. Wave after wave of pain shoots through me. I fell to my knees from the dherr intensity of pain. I started to feel lightheaded, my vision blurring. My body couldn't take it as I passed out.

     I woke up shivering. I was still on the floor, and the floor was unbearably cold. I stood up on shaky legs, sitting on my bed.
"This is what will happen if you don't accept him soon," a voice says.
"The hell?"

"You need to accept him, or you know what will happen to us," the voice says.

"Who the hell are you?" I think.

"I am your wolf, I was only allowed to come out after your seventeenth birthday," she said.

"Ok, but do you know who our mate is!?" I hiss at her.

"Yes, I do know. I also know what happens if you don't exept him. You won't live a fairytale, just accept that," she replied.

"I know, I know," I said.
     I don't hear anything back, so I go down stairs. I don't see my mom or my dad, so I decided to go to the local diner for some food. Moonpoint is a small town, and Annies Diner is one of the only places to eat. When I walked in after the short walk I immediately felt at peace. The diner is cozy and has a lot of wood and antique things in it. I sat in a booth, ordering a milkshake when the waitress came around totake my order.

    I sighed contently, enjoying the quietness of the diner. It was currently two am in the morning. I was thankfull the diner was open all day and night so I could get some fresh air. Suddenly, I smell something intoxicating.  My head whips up as his smell overtakes my senses. My wolf whimpers at his smell, and I have to resist the urge to tell her to be quiet

   Ryder slides in my booth giving me a cheeky smile.

"Hey little mate," he says, leaning back and studying me.

"Hi," I sqeak back.

   Ryder leans in so close that I scoot back.

"I may not be perfect, but you need to accept that I'm your mate," He said sternly.

"I know."

"What do you mean, accept him!" My wolf said.

"Emma, I accept you,"  Ryder said softly.

   My eyes widen. By saying this, he means he wants me as a partner for the REST of his life.This basically means no matter what, we are bound together.  My wolf is howling her answer. Yes. I breathe in and out.I had no choice, but I WANTED to.

"I accept you," I say.
      I can already feel our bond, getting stronger. It sends a nice hum through my body. Ryder smiles, sliding over to sit next to me.
"I'm glad you accepted me. I think I need someone like you in my life."
    I blush, letting my hair hide my blush. Suddenly he moves my hair, and lifts my chin to meet his eyes.

     "Don't ever be ashamed of yourself, you are beautiful," he says, the look in his eyes soft.
     "Thank you Ryder," I say probably starry eyed.
     "Your so cute and innocent Emma, it makes me want to protect you," he said, burying his head in the crook of my neck. Weirdly I let him stay there, enjoying his closeness.
     We stay like that for a while, until I have to stifle a yawn. Ryder notices, and help me stand up . Ryder then pays the bill, ignoring my protest and scoops me up in his arms. I let out a small sqeak, but snuggle up to his warmth, to tired to fight back. He chuckles.

"Giving up already little mate?"
  "Shush up, I'm too tired to fight back " I mumbled.

    He chuckled again. Before I knew it, I passed out in his arms.

When I wake up, it looks like it might be mid afternoon. Memories of last night washes over me, and I smile. Then I shake my head at myself, not wanting to get in too deep so soon. But I can't help but love the way how Ryder makes me feel safe and wanted.
       I thank the lord it's saturday. I get out of bed, and take a shower. My mind keeps going back to the sweet things he said, and I know I am smiling. I get out and get dressed in blue jeans and a floral top. I slip on some flats before getting my bike out of the small garage. I want to ride my bike to Amy's today, so I can tell her about Ryder. Suddenly, a horrible shot of pain errupts in my ribs. I gasp, loosing control of my bike, I fall. I roll onto the edge of the woods, groaning in pain. Suddenly my body is flying through the air. After a couple of yards, my back hits a tree. I drop on the ground.

     I stay on my stomach, too afraid to move. I think I'm bleeding. Thankfully nothing happens. Suddenly , I hear footsteps come towards me. A scent like copper fills my nose. The only metallic scent that belongs to is vampires. I silently fml in my head, my wolf doing the same. A hand takes a fistfull if my hair, using that as leverage to flip me over. I whimper in pain. I don't fight back, knowing that in my weakened state, the vampire coyld kill me.

     The vampire is a boy with white hair and vivid green eyes. He has pretty caramel skin, and looks very stone like.
"Well well well, look what I have here? Did your mate leave you behind, did he do that?" the vampire snickered.

   "Shut up," I grit out.

   He tsked, yanking me up by my arm. I yelp, he pulls me close, and tangles a hand in my hair. I try and breakfree knowing he will take my blood. Werewolf blood is non toxic to vampires, its like a treat for them. On the other hand, if a vampire bites us, in rare cases, it can kill us. But mostly it is painfull.
He doesn't waste time, biting down into me. He buries his fangs deep in my neck, and I scream. The vampire drinks greedily, guzzling my life source. I can feel my conciousness slowly slip away. Ryder, I call out in vain in my head as everything blackens around me.

An: Hello to whoever might be reading, thank you for reading! Im on summer break, so Im going to work hard on the chapters. I have so many plans for Emma and Ryder! Keep reading and enjoy! ✌💜

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