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Sooooooooooooo to all the people reading this book, I want to know about you! Like seriously, whats your favorite movie, color, ect..?

   I know its random and weird to post on an already finished book, but for future readers and present readers I just want to know about you! I wanna know who is reading this book!

So please comment about yourself's, tell me your interests!

Since you're telling me about you, I guess I will tell you about me.

1. I am obsessed with chocolate . Im pretty sure Im addicted cause I get twitchy when I go a week without some. P.s. no.I dont have diabetes im very healthy.

2. Favorite movie is Pride & Pregiduce (idk if thats right). I like the movie because I 💜 Mr. Darcy and one day I will have my own Mr. Darcy. (I WILL SETTLE FOR NOTHING LESS 😂)

3. My favorite color is black. I dont need to explain why.

4. Favorite store is hot topic. I am OBSESSED with that store. Also why the F***K  is it so expensive

5. I looove helping other people. Slot of people are like whatever you're a teenager you dont know what your saying but Im like um yeah the heck I do. If you guys need anything Im here to help!

6. There's someone on wattpad that I seriously need to be friends with. I read their books and the person gets me lol.

7. I am told many times that I should have a youtube channel or a tv show but who in their right mind would watch it......

ENOUGH ABOUT ME! Tell me about yourself's now! I know people read this, so now you have to comment about yourself. Its mandatory.....😬😂.

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