Chapter 21

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     It was finally time. I was going to get my mate back. After this, I would do anything to have Ryder and I live peacefully. The Alpha had arrived five minutes ago. Everything was prepared.

  The Alpha was Ryder's father, they looked very much alike. The shaman was suprisingly a middle aged man. I've never seen the pack shama before, no one even knows where he lives.

   He was from Tokyo apparently, and came to the U.S. to practice natural and spiritual medicine. Moon Goddess only knows how he got in this pack. The shaman was very mysterious.

   I could tell he seemed kind. He seemed to really care for the Alpha and his son. Currently, Ryder was tied to the bed. One hand, and one foot. Ryder had ab absolutely murderous gaze. He stared at the shaman with so much hate.

   Ryder was half insane. Earlier, he was saying some weird things. Like the moon goddess was talking to him, and telling him things. I just hoped he wouldn't stay like this.


"We are ready to begin," the shaman said.

   Everyone nodded, prepared for anything. The shaman began to recite words. I had no idea what language it was from, but it seemed to effect Ryder. His body jerked, spasming. I gasped as his arm bent at an awkward angle.

   Ryder screamed in pain. Tears pulled around my eyes. It hurt me, and my wolf to see him like this. Ryder shot up, shaking, pulling at the restraints. His eyes were an ominous red, his canies were out.

   He looked pissed off. Ryder's  eyes darting everywhere as he fought with pain. Ryder's eyes landed on mine. It scared me, honestly. His eyes returned to black, his canines retracting. Suddenly, he was acting as if he wasn't in any pain.

"Emma, why are you letting them do this? Don't you love me?" he asked.

   I knew it wasn't my Ryder.It was the broken, insane Ryder. His voice was even different. It was darker, twisted.

"I love the Ryder that will come back to me," I whispered.

   The shaman's words got louder. Ryder roared out in pain. It shook the whole room. Suddenly, the Alpha's eyes became a deep violet, his claws coming out. Just as the shaman said the shaman shouted the last word, the Alpha sunk his claws in Ryder's shoulder.

    Ryder screamed, eyes wide. His eyes went from blue, to yellow. Everyone sighed in relief, it was all over. Ryder had survived through it.Everything would really be okay.

   Ryder had a slight sheen of sweat on him.He was also a little pale.Ryder looked passed out.

"Is that it. Is everything okay now?" I asked.

"It should be now. Ryder has connected with his wolf again and has fallen into a dormant state to regain strength," the shaman said.

"How long will that be?" Ryder's dad asked.

"It should take a few days, but your boy will be fine," the shaman asked.

"Thank you," I said.

"No need to thank me. Now I will be in my way," the shaman said, then exited the room.

    "I'm sorry," I said, turning to the Alpha.

"For what?"

"Putting your only son, Ryder into this. Its almost my fault he died!" I said, I was now crying.

   Great.Everything that had happened to Ryder was because of me.

"No, don't ever say that.It is not your fault that an insane man has done this to you! None of this is your fault!"

   I nodded, thankful that Ryder's dad reassured me. He gave me a brief hug before stepping back.

"I will leave you alone with him.Please inform me if anything happens," he said.

"Will do."

   The Alpha left soon after that.I sat down next to Ryder. I sighed, getting comfy in the chair. It was going to be awhile.


    I was shook awake suddenly. I grumbled, not wanting to get up.

"Emma, get up," I heard followed by a deep chuckle.

  I shot up, my head hitting something hard. I groaned in pain.

"Damn girl, why are you so aggressive when you wake up?"

"RYDER!" I cried.

  I launched myself in his arms. Ryder held me just as tightly.

"I thought you weren't going to be okay," I said, my voice muffled by Ryder's shoulder.

"Have faith in me," Ryder joked.

" I love you," I said.

  Although it sounded like "I luf eu".

  "I love you too Emma," Ryder said.

"I'm just so glad that everything is okay," I said.

"Yeah," Ryder said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just feel like crap because I couldn't protect you."

"Ryder, don't feel that way. You were shot, that would inable anyone.Even a future Alpha. Please don't feel this way."

   Ryder smiled, giving me a peck on my lips.

"Thats why I love you. You are my angel."

"Awwww," I cooed.

"So, I heard you were quite the life saver," Ryder said.

"Sit down peasant, I have a story," I joked.

   Ryder pulled me on his lap. I began to tell him everything, while he listened in awe.


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