Chapter 17

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      James pressed his lips against mine. My stomach turned, like I was going throw up. I brought my hand up, my palm connecting with the side of his face. James's head snapped to the side.

   James looked at me, as if not believing I had hit him. He snarled, then pushed me to the hard floor. I landed on my back, pain flaring up. I groaned, turning to my side.

"Why can't you just love me Emma?"James seethed.

"I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!"I screeched.

    Why, why why why me?! Please moon goddes, help me, please. I can't take this, he's insane!

"LOVE ME!" James roared.

    I flinched, his voice was pure anger. I didn't say anything back. Who knows if he'll kill me. Who knows if I'll ever leave this basement alive? Who the hell knows?

  My life has been to short for this. There is no way in hell I will let him kill me. There is no freaking way James will win.

"This isn't how you give love, James. I will never love you. How are you so fixated on me, I'm nothing perfect. Your obsession has to stop," I said.

   He turned around, kneeling down in front of me. He had a crazy look in his eyes. Like he was going insane. Hell, he is insane.

"That't the thing Emma, your perfect. You're perfect for me. You just don't see that, but you will. Just wait love."

   I shuddered in disgust at the nickname. Just as James stood up, there was a banging sound.

"What was that?" James asked.

    I mentally rolled my eyes. How the hell would I know?

"Did you call someone?" James asked.

"Yes, I called them on my nonexistent phone," I replied monotonely.

"Shut up!"James yelled.

  I did, not wanting to provoke him. Then suddenly, everything turned black. I growled at the lack of sight. Aftet a while, my eyes adjusted, allowing me to see.

  I could see James in the corner.

"Emma, where are you?" James called out.

   My eyes widened, I completely forgot. Shapeshifters could barely see in the dark.I wanted to do a little dance, but didn't or else he'd hear me. I slowly walked up the basement stairs.

   On the eighth step, the step slightly creaked. James's head snapped to mine. He couldn't see, but he sure as hell could hear. I cringed, cursing myself for what felt like the thousandth time.

   James started moving. My heart felt like it was in my throat. I tried to calm myself down, but I was so anxious. I watched James as he moved past the stairs. I slowly went up the stairs, finally reaching the door.

   Looking back, I saw James was feeling against the wall. Thank moon goddess he couldn't see. I placed my hand on the doornob, turning it. It clicked, a sign it was unlocked.

   James's head snapped towards me. He growled, then started to charge towards me. I yelped, throwing open the door. I heard his footseps behind me, coming closer and closer.

  I shut the heavy door behind me just as I saw his face.It was terrifying. James had yellow eyes, sharp teeth  and nails. He looked like a monster. I leaned against the door. My body jolted foreward as James threw himself against it. I locked the door, stepping away.

   I was in a hallway, the walls were an ugly yellow color. There was a large bookshelf near me. Using my strength, I dragged in until it was against the door. I hope that will hold him, if not I'm screwed.

   I raced down the hallway, trying to find a door out. Suddenly a hand shot out, grabbing me. I screamed, but another hand was put over my mouth.

  I looked behind me, seeing Ryder. I instantly relaxed. He let go, and I threw myself in his arms. I started to cry, holding him as tight as I could.

    Ryder held me just as tight. He mummered sweet things in my ear.

"Ryder, thank goddess you're here!" I cried.

"I will never let you go, I swear. I'm going to kill him!" Ryder snarled.

"Ryder, you can't kill someone," I reasoned.

"To hell with that, are you not forgetting where we are right now?!"

"How did you find me anyway?" I asked.

"I tracked your phone down, it led to here and I could smell you," he said.

"I know that you want to kill him, but you can't and you know that."

"Where is he?" Ryder asked.

"I left him in the basement,"I said, pointing to the direction.

    Ryder grabbed my hand, pulling me after him to the basement.

   Ryder saw the shelf, moving it. Don't get me wrong, James needed his ass beat, but to kill him is way to much.

It was strange, I couldn't hear anything. Did he give up? I didn't know anything exept the bad feeling in my gut.

"Stay here," Ryder mummered as he opened the door.

"No, I won't leave you!"I said.

"Please," Ryder said, giving me a pleading look.

   I trusted Ryder, so I nodded my head. He slowly went down the stairs. As he reached the bottom, Ryder suddenly dropped. I gasped, how could that happen?

   Forgeting my promise, I raced downstairs. I knelt beside him, turning him over. I thanked the moon goddess when I heard him groan in pain.

"Ryder, oh thank goddess your okay," I said, relieved.

"Not for long," a voice said.

I looked behind me, seeing James. Dread instantly filled me as he came closer.

"STAY AWAY!" I screamed.

   I just wanted this to be over. I wanted to rid myself of this nightmare, that seems to keep chasing me.

"Isn't that sweet. Protecting your precious mate," James sneered.

"Shut up!"

"He won't be alive for long," James taunted.

   I glared at him. Suddenly he pulled a gun from behind him. My eyes widened in horror. I let out a warning growl, but he just laughed. James had the gun, aiming it past me and at Ryder.

"STOP!"I screamed.

  Just as I did, he pressed the trigger. Everything happened in slow motion. I heard it fly past me. I heard it hit Ryder.I heard him gasp. I saw the blood. So much blood. I turned to Ryder, giving all my attention to my mate.

  I almost cried out in pain from the image before me. Ryder, his eyes wide as saucers. A hole  in his chest.No!No!No! Not him, please no!

"RYDER!" I cried out, catching him.

   I held him close, tears falling on his cheeks. I put my hand over the wound to try and stop the bleeding. Maybe he could heal. Maybe, just maybe. So many what if's.

   There was so much blood. I slipped on it even.

"Ryder, its going to be okay! Your going to heal, and live! Just don't leave me, okay? Please Ryder, PLEASE!" I cried.

   He looked me in the eyes. They were so clear. His skin was getting paler and paler.

"I love you," he whispered.

   I watched the light leave his eyes. I heard the last beat of his heart. I heard the last breath leave his body.

AN: Well that was tragic. Dont worry there will be more chapters, but someone's not gonna live. You have been warned XD


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