Part 41: Request #37 (PART 1)

Start from the beginning

"Anything?" Liam asked, wanting to sound hopeful.

"I got nothing," you answered feeling a bit frustrated.

"And you call yourself an elemental," Brett suddenly muttered under his breath, but it didn't pass unheard by you which made you even more frustrated.

"Hey, mutt. You want to say that louder?" you challenged, your hand already clenched into a fist beside you burning in a blue flame.

But before Brett could give an answer, Liam spoke up in a worried tone.

"Guys, did you hear that?" The tone in his voice was mixed with worry and fright as a howl echoed throughout the forest, the hairs on your neck standing at the sound-the thumping you suddenly felt under your palsm getting louder and heavier didn't help.

"C'mon!" Brett was now pulling you to your feet before pushing you forward to run.

"No, we can handle it," you argued, getting the loaded pistol that was tucked behind you before racking the slide and pointing it at the incoming creature.

"Are you kidding me? That thing is big enough to eat all three of us at the same time without a fight." Brett said while Liam could only manage a 'guys' at the side trying to get both of your attention and go with Brett's plan to run.

"Have a little faith," you told him. (A/n: hope you guys know where this line came from...)

But before anyone knew it, the Beast finally made itself known which made you start firing at it. Liam forgot all fear and just started attacking it with claws out with Brett alongside. After a while of trying to blind the beast or killing it at the most with silver bullets, you ran out of ammo and started shooting fireballs at it, the blue flames quickly being deflected as the creature just swatted it like a common house fly. Stomping your foot on the ground and sending large boulders that was deflected too, you created a mound that swallowed the creature-the soil coming up above its head hopefully suffocating it.

With heavy breaths, Brett and Liam walked up to you and looked at the rather large molehill that contained the beast.

"That was too easy." Brett said, no trace of arrogance in his voice as he listened to Liam talking to Scott and telling the other pack members to come down to your location and see if they could contain the beast and eventually kill it for good.

"They're heading here and-"

Feeling an arm suddenly wrap around you, you were blocked from the large rocks and debris that flew as the Beast broke free and advanced towards your direction. Being pulled out of the way, you were faced with Brett's back as he growled and bared his canines at the grotesque being in front of him. The creature stalked the both of you making Brett pull you closer to him, his stance undoubtedly showing protectiveness over something that meant to him deeply-this surprised you a little inside.

Liam was immediately on its back scratching and biting and Brett attacking the front leaving you to gather your wits from the sudden shock and take a breath before kneeling down and drying the ground of its moisture. With hands that moved in a smooth flowing motion, the water whirled around you before you stepped in and made a sharp move sending the flowing water and slashing the creatures face creating a whipping noise that for sure would hurt anything or anyone. But this thing wasn't even fazed one bit.

Repeating the same move, the creature just kept fighting both werewolves without showing any signs of tiring out. When you saw the beast give Brett a slash down his arm, you now decided to turn the cool flowing liquid to something sharp and hard - your hands now flowing and controlling the weapon. With a sharp movement that advanced towards the direction of the beast, you saw the large icicle pierce through it and impaling the tree behind it.

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