Taking Olympus back Part 10

Start from the beginning

"Your gorgeous when your scared." He laughed, grabbing my small wrists in his huge hands and pressing both my arms against my chest, therefore pinning me to the ground.

"Hades, please get off me!  My whole body... It hurts." I squirmed under him, trying to at least get up, not accepting defeat.

"I don't know, I was thinking we should stay like this for a while." Hades leaned down, his mouth right by my ear and his cool breathe going down my neck.  It didn't give me the same chills it did when we were on Olympus.  In fact, it scared the living daylight out of me.  I tried my hardest to push him off of me.  Not making any progress, I felt so helpless and defeated I almost started crying out of frustration. "Me on top of you, you below me. Maybe If your a good girl I'll take off our clothes. Actually, either way I think I will. I like my goddess's feisty. Wouldn't that just be-"

"If you so much as touch me I'll scream!" I yelled, feeling his body shake with a low laugh.

"And who do you think would help you down here, hm?" He planted a kiss on my jaw, and then made a trail down my jaw to chin. When I thought he was going to kiss my lips I turned my head to the side, earning another low laugh. "Athena, I plan on touching you. Oh, how I plan on it. And when I do you're going to beg me for more. I'll give it to you, too. After you scream my name."

"You disgust me." I snarled, needing him off me and my aching, sore body. I struggled once more, trying to flip him off me, but he was like a rock.

"You're going to be mine, Athena. MINE!" He barked, the noise revertibrating off the walls, shaking me to my core. He struck a hand behind my neck and forced me up into a sitting position, he on his knees with my legs in beneath his painfully.

"I cannot be yours, you fool." I laughed humorlessly. "Not entirely. You forget you would not be my first."

Anger flashed over his face, followed by a sinister smile. "I may not be your first, but I can ensure you, I will be your last. I am going to ruin you for any man who dares try and take whats mine."


"Are you kidding me." Hades rolled his eyes, cursing himself, then snapped his head up.  I was so grateful to whoever interrupted him.  I owed them what may have been my life. "WHAT?! CANT YOU SEE I'M-"

"I beg your pardon, my lord!" The servant fell to his knees, bowing his head in respect to Hades. "You've a visitor. An urgent one! She demands to be met with at once."

Hades made a low growling noise in his throat, then looked back down at me. "I'll deal with you later." He dropped me roughly and stood, leaving me laying on the floor as he walked away.

"Lock her door, and guard it. And if I catch you looking at her like that again, It'll be ten thousand years in the Fields of punishment! Though I cant say I blame you..." His voice trailed off as he walked away.

I stood and threw the robe back on, cursing myself for not being strong enough to throw Hades off of me. Id have to forget about that for the time being. I had to set to work on escaping before I died down here in this hell hole.

But how?

Why was Hades being like this? So hatred driven and aggressive. This was not the god that had offered to make me his Queen on Olympus.  Would he treat me as he treated Persephone? Always having to punish her?

Gods, I hoped not. Despite my lifetime filled with war victory and training, I wouldn't stand a chance against Hades. Especially with a war raging within me. 


Will she get out? 

Who knows?  Not me, I only wrote the book :P

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Heres the chart:

Athena- Goddess of wisdom and battle strategy.

Ares- God of war

Hermes- God of travel

Hades- God/ lord of the dead

Zeus- ( Ares and Athena's dad) King/ God of the heavens

Hera- ( Zeus's wife, Ares mom, and Athena's step mom

Aphrodite- Goddess of love and beauty

Hephaestus- God of fire and the forges

Artemis- Goddess of the hunt

Apollo- God of the sun

Poseidon- God of the sea

Demeter- Goddess of the harvest


Taking Olympus Back Book 1Where stories live. Discover now