Taking Olympus back Part 24

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I couldn't wait to upload this chapter! :D

"Ares," I said standing up and taking his arm lightly. "please, dear, come with me. We need to talk." I said this as urgently as I could, although I would have much rather put it off.

"I never liked the conversation that followed up when a goddess said that." He mumbled, following me.  I led him out the backdoor which led to an alley by his large hand, sure to avoid looking in Hades direction and praying that he wouldn't see us.  Every step I took towards the door made my heart sink even further.  You can do this. Its for the better,  I told myself.  He'd be in more pain if you let Hades have his way with him.  Could you live with yourself if that happened?  No?  Then do what you've got to do. You can't love him.

As we were leaving I searched the crowd for Apollo or Artemis.  Artemis was slinking around near Hades, and Apollo was chatting Hades' ear off about the solar system and how important the sun is. Hades look annoyed, but at least he was occupied.  His back was turned to the door thankfully, just as I opened it.

Once I pushed the door open, I was immediately hit by gusts of cold air and began shivering.  Ares came out after me, and closed the door.  He saw me shaking and like the perfect gentleman said "Oh here, take my jacket."  He shrugged off his jacket, and handed it to me.  I put it on and looked at him, wearing his white dress shirt that made his muscles look huge.  "What is it you need to talk to me about?" He asked patiently and lovingly.  He looked deep into my eyes, as if the answer laid there.

"Oh yes, of course...." I sighed, looking at my shoes.  No way could I possibly meet Ares' eyes.  I might just change my mind.  "Ares, I... I, um..." I couldn't get the words out.  I felt as though I was going to vomit at any moment.  I gulped down, however.  Knowing I needed to say what I was about to say.

"Athena what is it? Your looking pale.  Are you alright?" Ares sounded worried.  It would be better to just get it over and done with so he could move on. All the good times I ever had with Ares came flooding to me in a rush; hunting trips to Hystew, dancing at balls much like this one, planning military tactics. We had hundreds of thousands of years worth of memories together. Memories that wouldn't matter once I truly became Hades'.

"You're not going to like what I have to say but... I need you to try your hardest and accept it okay? For me." I looked up at him and he nodded grimly. He knew what I was going to do. I knew he did. But he remains patient and cool. "We can't be together... Ever."  Even knowing it was coming, Ares looked like he just taken a knife to the gut.  His eyes screamed out that he was hurt.  I decided I'd go on. "Ares, it just can't happen.  I won't put you in that dangerous situation.  The situation... Well... Its not fun and games anymore. It wasn't to begin with but now... the stakes are higher than ever."

"Athena..." Ares said shaking his head, trying to grasp what I said.  "Your joking right? Doesn't Hades already have a wife?!"  I shook my head, letting a tear roll down my cheek.  Ares took a few steps back, as if he didn't want to be near a monster like me. 

"Persephone chose to die with Adonis, and Hades let her. Death parted them.  Look Ares, I have a duty to the people of Olympus.  I'm obligated to keep them safe.  Thats the duty I was charged with!  I've had many of my duties taken away from me since the first time we broke up, but I still have this one!  Its all I have!  I can't let my city die.  Hades would go ballistic if we ever spoke again, you and I.  He wants to kill me as it is!  I'm doing what I think is right.  What I know needs to happen.  I belong to Hades now." I stayed calm while I spoke to Ares, but brisk, cold tears stung at my eyes.

"NO YOU DON'T!" He yelled!  He put his hands threw his hair, walked over to the wall and kicked it.  It didn't seem to injure him, because he came back over to me and gripped me by my arms. "You aren't his dog, Athena!  You don't belong to anyone!  Especially him! You've never given into anyone or anything!  Why start now?! " He shook me, and I looked into his furious, heartbroken eyes. "You should be mine. I love you! We should be married by now, and we would have been had I not been a mother fucking idiot!"

"Ares calm down." I said calmly, placing my hands flat against his chest. 

"How can I calm down?!" He shouted, pushing me up against the ally wall roughly, maybe just so I wouldn't be near him when he went crazy.  He released my arms, but put one hand on the wall by my head and leaned up against it, caging me in with no escape, no way around him.  "Your stressing me out, kid."

"Your stressed?!" I hissed. "Today I found out that the Romans have MY missile! Who knows what they plan to do with it, besides use it against us!  Maybe you should ask your mom when you find the time because she's the one that sold it to them!  Oh and the reason why I was in the underworld, was because your mother told Hades to kidnap me, but to ensure I wouldn't get in her way she raised the stakes and told Hades to kill me! I should be dead right now all because she wanted me out of the way so she could play both sides of the table, become queen when my father dies and make alliance with the Romans.  Hera started this whole thing!  And now I'm going to pay for it with my life." I cried, looking down at the ground to hide my tears from Ares.  "I'm going to die, Ares!  Hades will kill me eventually!  I get on his nerves enough as it is.  I won't last a year in the underworld with that phyla!  I swear the only reason I got through the past few weeks is because he used a love charm to get me to kiss him and sleep with him." The tears slowed and I finally looked up at Ares. "So, I don't know about you, but thats how my day has gone." 

"Oh you guys slept together? Thats just fucking perfect. Yeah, that's great. At least you didn't find out that the love of your immortal life doesn't want to be with you!" Ares said with a smug tone.  " You got the easy end of the stick as always, Athena, congratulations. Have fun in the underworld sleeping with the devil since you want to so willingly hand yourself over."

"If you think I wanted any of this your a blasted fool! I wanted YOU! I wanted to be a team, a unit, a whatever with you, Ares, you fucking idiot."  I spat.  I tried getting out of the position Ares had put me in, but he slammed his other hand against the wall on the other side of my head.  I turned toward him,  thinking he was going to say something else.  I looked him dead in the eye, feeling nothing but love and sadness.  "I-... I'm so sorry it came to this, Ares.  I did love you so much, and I wish things were different. You were the only person I ever felt true, real love with even if it had to end. Gods how I wish things were different."  A few more tears rolled down my cheeks.  

Ares sighed, leaning in and whispering in my ear.  "Actions speak louder than words."


Ares and I were tangled in a knot, making out intensely, passionately and touching each other while he tried to get my bedroom door open.  

Finally he turned the nob, allowing us to enter my chambers.  He continued kissing me, placing one hand on my back and the other on my butt he hoisted me up onto him as though I were weightless. I ran my hand through his hair, promising that I'd remember its softness, and held my other arm around his neck, holding on. 

Ares aggressively and passionately got us both onto the bed, slipping me out of my dress.  A low, sexy moan escaped out of the back of his throat as he leaned down again, kissing my neck.  

I swiftly unbuttoned his dress shirt and threw it to the ground, starting on the button of his pants.  "Easy on the goods, love." He whispered into my ear from the crook of my neck.  I giggled, as he rolled over, kicking them off his feet along with his shoes. I rolled onto him, sitting up, below his waist.  

My gods, this man was the most beautiful god alive.  "I love you." He whispered, and then switch around so that he was on top of me, in between my legs.  I smiled sweetly. Savoring the minutes as they passed.

"I love you too." I said, not needing a love charm.

Taking Olympus Back Book 1Where stories live. Discover now