Chapter 21: It Was Only To Please You

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"I cannot be telling you all of that with them in here, mo ghrá."

I lifted my eyebrow challenging him.

"Dia do thoil inis dom a dhéanann sí é sin a chur faoi deara ach pian orm?"

I have to say I have missed his Gaelic outbursts, not that I would ever tell him that. I noticed both Oran and Stefan raised their heads when he spoke that. Looking at them, I knew two things, they were shocked, he spoke Gaelic in front of me, and whatever he said was amusing to them.

"Oran, what did your Prince just say to me?"

I had to hold in my laugh, the look of pure horror he gave me was priceless.  After Emmet murmured something under his breath, he nodded at Oran. I guess he was given permission to translate to me. I suppose it was a little unfair of me to ask. He was a prince guard.

"Umm. err. He be asking the good Lord a question?"

He spoke that like he was asking if that was all he had to say. I gave him an evil look making him squirm.

Emmet barks at him.

"Oran bloody hell just tell her already will you!"

Stefan snickers behind Oran, geez. What was it Emmet said that Oran doesn't want to tell me?

Oran sighed loudly,

"He be asking the good Lord if you be doing these things to him just to be cussing him a kick in the bullocks."

Suddenly, Stefan and Emmet yell at Oran.

He blushes then said,

"I meant to be saying cussing him pain."

I would have to find out later what a kick in the bullocks' means, for even. Stefan looked displeased with Oran. Nevertheless, I definitely saw the humor in his outburst, even though he implied that I was wishing ill well on him. Truth be told, he was partly right in thinking that.

"Your highness I am appalled that you would think such a horribleness about me!"

"Oh for the love of God, I am sure you are. Ky please give me a break and send off these idiots!"

Suddenly, Sarah jumps up and gasping loudly with an astonished expression on her face. Everyone is staring at her. I knew why she was reacting that way. I mean. I did the same when he called me that the first time. I don't correct him anymore because I love hearing it. Well at least, from him, I do. I would not like others using it.



She looked at me like she was going to argue, but she went ahead pulling the guards with her. Right before shutting the door, she gave me a look that told me she would not let it go easily. It's not like I gave him permission to use it.

"OK, you got your wish. Even so, let's be clear no touching! I will not let you seduce me like you have in the past!"

He gave me that sexy smirk. Geez, he is just edible looking when he does that.

"I cannot promise, not to touch you, Ky. However, I promise not to get carried away, at least not today."

I give him an evil look, but I know it's more than I can ask for. The man doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself. To prove my point, he engulfs me into a hug. I do not allow him to satisfaction of hugging him back, though. After a quick kiss on my neck and a growl, he releases me. The smirk on his face let's me know. He felt my shiver when his lips touched my neck. I was still feeling the

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