Chapter 6: Who Knew

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I always thought my to be a person how could care less about fancy clothes. Parties, dances, and stuff like that were just not something I got into. Spending money on make up and spending hours on your hair was crazy, right? Well, once I checked out the informals I began to see the thrill of it. Never had I seen such beauty. I finally understood how a girl could feel like a princess all dressed up in a beautiful gown with her hair up and jewerly sparkling off her skin. I shock of knowing I wanted to experience this was making me laugh! I guess if it's the right gown no matter how down to earth you are, you are gonna want to be the princess of the ball!

So, that's what brought me into 'The Plush'. It was apparently the place to go if you were rich and famous and money to blow on getting a glamour make over. I didn't have the fame or the money but I did have a credit card from George and the guys! With that and apparently connections I didn't know I possessed, I was rushed there and ohhhh and ahhhh all over until I had a headache. By the way, don't mention that out loud because believe it or not they have a fix for that also! Massaging it out! Though, everything was nice and the people were wonderful. It was a bit overwhelming. However, once I saw the results I wondered who the person was looking back me in the mirror! I touched my face while looking at myself to make sure it wasn't some see-through glass. Then I went to another mirror and make sure it wasn't a trick mirror. I was speechless! I hugged everyone and thanked them over and over until they pushed my out.

I'm standing in my penthouse you at myself all dressed and ready for the ball and I'm just... 

I don't even know what I am! 

I'm wearing a flowing cream color cindrella dress. I love how the wives got all low healed shoes for all my gowns. I'm not one to wear them that often and my feet would have not lasted if I was in 3 inch heels. I had this gorgeous emerald necklace on that seemed to make my eyes pop out. My plain red hair was more dark almost brunette yet had shimmering red highlights in it. The amazing thing is they didn't color or highlight it. I still don't know how they got my hair to look like this. The make up was perfect, they realised I usually didn't wear any so they gave me a light amount yet still enough around my eyes to give this smoky look. Again, that seemed I make my eyes brighter and stand out more. My ears left a lil weird with the dangling emeralds but they weren't uncomfortable. I grab my whatever you call those lil fancy purses people carry and head for the door.

Once I'm in the lobby I realize I have a huge problem. There is no way I can fit into that little convertible that they gave me to drive. So, I stand there realising I'm all dressed up even with a fancy tiara on my head with no where to go! Great! On my bad luck catches up with me.

"Ms. Matthews? You limo driver is outside waiting for you.", the man by the entrance said to me.

"Oh! Ummm yes, thank you.", I replied with a red face. His eyes seem to have twinkled at me.

Well I guess my bad luck has not taken over yet, after all!


Don't worry I'm posting again tonight. Just wanted to end with that:) 


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