Chapter 12: The Kiss

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His lips took possession; demanding yet, seeking acceptance. There was no doubt the kiss was staking claim, with fierce determination. It was his seal of claim, like he was branding me. If I accepted, meant I was accepting his claim. Fear lead me, I had to stop it. This was more than just a kiss. I needed him to understand, I was not his. This was a bond, like this kiss was binding us together. My hands come up to his chest, I had to push him off. Yet, hands could not push him. The will was there, but I had no strength to execute it. I was losing the battle. My lips starting to betray me. He begins to lick my lower lip, seeking entrance. I refuse, knowing I can't let him in. I know I'm about to crumble, so I put all my strength into pushing him away; however, I only manage a slight pressure against his chest. He felt it; nonetheless, his hands reach grabbing mine. Gently, he links our fingers. Then taking our hands, he pulls them up above my head. Blocking all chance of protest. He begins to nibble my bottom lip. I seem to surrender without even knowing, I have. The barest of a gasp was all he needed. It gave him just enough, he plunges his tongue in my mouth causing me to moan. He let's out a growl, pressing his body up against mine; yet, he still has my hands above my head. Never has a kiss so throughly taken me over. I can not control myself from joining his tongue. It is his turn to moan. This kiss was pure bliss. I pull at my hands, I want to touch him. Not until he feels me pressing myself into his body does he let my hands go. His hands immediately coming behind me in a death grip hold. At this point, I have no fight left. My hands go into his hair. It feels like silk. We are slammed against the wall, he lifts me up to get better access. My legs wrap around him without control or though. My body wanted to get as close as possible. We are both moaning at this point, our mouths making love to each other. It was ravishing, a raw need. His taste was intoxicating. I was over my head with this, it was beyond anything I had ever experienced. There is a knock at the door; however, neither of us hear it, we are hypothesized within our kiss. Someone clears their throat; yet again, the sound barely registers in my head. Then, comes a very loud hacking cough. It sounds as if someone is choking to death. It's like cold water in the face. Yet, it seems, Prince Emmet either still hasn't heard or just didn't care. I have to start struggling to get him to stop. He finally lifts his head, growling. I am horrified; completely embarrassed. I try to run off, but Emmet's grip stops me from moving. Prince Emmet shouts to the guard,

"Ifreann fuilteacha! Tá cogadh ar dearbhaíodh? Go bhfuil tú níos fearr é toisc go bhfuil an rud amháin a shábháil ar do cheann!"

I have no idea what he said but I do know that it was not good. The guard lowers his head then replies,

"mo leithscéal mo Prionsa, tá sé d'athair."

"Bloody Hell! Where?", Emmet suddenly looks nervous.

"thíos staighre", the guard replied.

Right then, I knew two things. The Prince was extremely worried about whatever the guard said, and they speak in Gaelic when they don't want me to know what they are saying. That realization made me furious! The prince starts pacing mumbling. I just stand there trying to process what was happening. I turn yelling,

"What the hell! Stop speaking in Gaelic when you don't want me to understand what the bloody hell is going on!"

"Ahh my a thaisce, it is not so much that I don't want you understanding. It is more, my angry brings out my Gaelic, and spares you of my poor language."

I just glare at him, bull crap!

"What is 'where' then?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. I was letting him know I didn't believe him. That sheepish look is on his face now. Yeah, I knew he was hiding something. His face completely changes to this political face.

"I need to meet someone downstairs. Err umm. I will be right back. You ARE NOT to leave, is that clear?"

He did not just tell me what I can or cannot do! I will listen to him when hell freezes over! Now, I just needed a plan to get out, then find out who is downstairs. I reply as he is stepping into the hall.

"It is CLEAR your highness; though, it doesn't mean I will follow at ORDER!"

"Bean dodhéanta!, Ryan she is to stay here until I return."

The jerk had the nerve to order that guard to keep me here. Well, not if I can help it! The guard relies with a pleading look at me.

"Yes, my Prince."

Ugh! Don't be giving me that pleading look, dude. I will not fell guilty about escaping.


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Ok, so I don't know Gaelic so if the translation is off, blame google lol here's the translation for the curious ones:)

a thaisce: my treasure 

"Ifreann fuilteacha! Tá cogadh ar dearbhaíodh? Go bhfuil tú níos fearr é toisc go bhfuil an rud amháin a shábháil ar do cheann!"  

"Bloody hell! Was war declared? It better be because it's the only thing that will save your head!"

"mo leithscéal mo Prionsa, tá sé d'athair."  

"My apologies, my Prince , it is your father."

thíos staighre: downstairs

Bean dodhéanta: Impossible woman

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