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Terinian is an imaginary country close to Ireland. Their language was originally Gaelic; however, English is primarily used and their official language. It has it's own monarchy . All of this is purely fictional.

written by:skpvz

copyright 2011.

All rights reserved.

Not yet edited.


There standing right in front of me was the Prince of Terinian. Will he notice if I just turn around and leave? Would that be considered a crime or just rude?

"Oh crap! Just please, go away", I murmur under my breath. When I look up, I see him staring at me cocking a sexy eyebrow. He look said to me...

did you actually just say that out loud?

"Oh! Donkeys do-doo, must have spoken a lil louder than I realized. " I mumble a little more quietly. I suppose, he's not used to that kind of reaction. I see his eyes had widened, dang! He has some amazing hearing abilities. Just my luck...

I mumble again a lil louder, " Um mm err.. sorry?"

I bow gracefully as I can while my face is turning completely red. His eyes widens again. There seems to be something in his eyes; but, I can't figure it out. He starts staring deeply into my green eyes. It feels like he is reading my every thought while he stares at me llike that. I look into those blue eyes that seem almost see-through. They have a grey color to them; but, it's a very light grey. They sort of make him look like a god or something. Like, he is to perfect to be real. I always thought royalty tended to look a lil boring and ugly? He is still standing in front of me staring at me intently. I don't think he has even blinked! It's starting to freak me out so, I slowly turn around then high-tail it out to the nearest powder room.

In the powder room, I take some deep breaths. Calming down seems to be a little harder than usual. Well, crap I haven't even been here 24 hours! I have probably just broken some royal law speaking to him without introductions or permission. No, wonder it's taking longer to get myself in control. I begin wondering what jail is like here. I really don't know what I will do if I get arrested. Who would I call? Did you even get a phone call here?

OK, Kylie calm down stop overreacting. He probably didn't even notice I was standing there. Maybe it wasn't my eyes he was looking into. I just thought it was because; well, I was caught off guard by him in front of me. Yes, that was it! He probably was like, great another dumb American. Feeling somewhat better, I look in the mirror making sure my face is back to a it's normal color. The red is gone and no signs of my overactive reactions to my crazy thoughts. I head out of the room.

As soon as I close the door I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around ready to kick some boot-ay when I meet brown eyes of some royal security guard.

Oh holy moly! This is not good. How do I always get in these messes!



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