Chapter 17:Can I Say Overwhelmed?

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I want to thank all the fans that have commented and encouraged me.  It means the world to me!

Please, I am curious to what y'all will think of this chapter, so let me know!

This was somewhat more serious, so I threw in some humor to even it out hopefully:

Enjoy Readingxox


Yesterday, I skyped with Sarah. Mia has grown so much just in the few weeks, since they've been gone. Sarah kept asking about what's going on. Of course, I dodged her questions. The rest of the day I spent with George. He's leaving for Italy this evening, I begged him to let me come, but he refused. He said that I would crap his style. He planned on finding a Kylie replacement. But, I knew it had more to do with Emmet. He thought I was just trying to run from my problems. I disagree, I didn't have the problems before coming here. It's not like I live here, and I'm trying to move away. I swear, I have to be the only person that goes on vacation. and ends up with guy problems. My life was so simple before coming here. What the hell happened?

Today, my plans are with Kian. We just plan to do whatever comes to mind. He will probably take me around the town. I honestly haven't gotten to do much site seeing. I've had to much drama. Emmet is wrapped up with 'princely' stuff. Thank the good lord for the small miracles.

A knock a the door brings me out of my pondering.

Standing in my front door is of course, Kian. But, what surprised me was the barbarian that loomed over Kian with a rude glare. Lordy, he had be to at least seven feet tall. I immediately thought of those historical romance novels that are about the Irish Clan Lords. The are always from the highlands, and are barbaric, hugh and scary looking. He was not my regular guard.

Though, he did look rather monstrous. I was not having him glaring at my friends!

"Hey! Royal barbarian pain in the ass guard, who the hell are you to glare at my best friend. I believe this is my penthouse my door so back the hell off! By the way how tall are you, just curious?"

The guard turned bright red, which considering his size was rather funny. I almost felt sorry for him, almost being the KEY word. I continued before he could come up with anything to say,

"Hello? What is your name? You are obviously my new permanent daily annoyance ordered to stand guard from the lunatic. Am I to assume there's another new nightly annoyance, also?”

Kian started coughing, the barbarian was looking a little green. I held back my laughter, looking like I'm totally serious. What can I say, I have an evil streak. Is he bowing at me?

"My Lady, I am Stefan and the night guard will be Jackson from now on. I believe, I'm about six foot and ten inches, I am more accustomed to the metric but I believe you are not."

"Humph!" I scowled at him.

“Did you just say my lady? Do I look like your lady? Are you implying you own me and I'm some property or something?"

Kian busted out laughing, totally ruining my fun. Stefan had turned completely white. He looked as if he might faint. I really hope he doesn't, who would be able to catch him? He's like a monster

Kian spoke up,

"Kylie stop intentionally causing the guards distress. They are only doing what was ordered of them."

"Yes, m.. Lady Kylie. It was only a our custom to call those of title...we only want to keep you save."

He saw me narrow my eyes when he mentioned title, then I just roll my eyes, they have no sense of humor.

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