Chapter 7: Why Lady

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The entrance seemed to be some kind of platform. There where stairs going down to where everyone was at. I walked up to this old dude, he holds his hand out. I'm guessing he needs my invitation card thing, so

I hand it to him...

"The Lady Kyliette Alexander Matthews!", the old fart actually yells this out.

I jerk my head up and give him my death glare. I'm not sure if I'm more upset by, the fact he added some fancy 'lady' to my name or by the use of my full name. I enjoy keeping that horrid name secret.

To intensify my already uncomfortable awkward moment, I turn to see every eye in staring up at me. Believe me that was a lot of flippin eyes too! Now, I'm suppose to walk down all those stairs while everyone is staring and waiting for me to humiliate myself further. Please, just shoot me!

I slowly walk down the stairs praying that the Lord Almighty will spare me from anymore torture. I look straight ahead.. There's this huge painting on the wall above everyone so, I focus on that as I walk down the steps. Incredibly, I seem to desend down the stairs somewhat gracefully, like I actually knew what I was doing. Once I hit the bottom step, I finally starting breathing again. I felt like kissing the floor; however, I figured that would draw even more attention to myself. I refrained from that urge, considering every eye is still focused at me. They all have this look ...

like I have two heads or there's horns growing out my head.

A beautiful woman starts walking towards me. I notice the crown on her head. I loose my breath. I'm not one to get all nervous around famous people. This was a person from the royal family. I don't know the protocol is; when they address you. I'm pretty sure you don't address them unless they do first. I'm sure you should curtsy. While I panic over that, she stops in front of me taking my fear away.

" Oh, I do hate all the formality of everyone curtsying at me. Just hurry up so we can get that over with. Yes, there all done. Now, I'm so excited to finally meet you." She takes my hands into hers squeezing them lightly. I hear gasps from those around me. I'm to focused on this sweet woman to ponder over why. She continues, "Welcome to Terinian, Kylie! Krissy has told me so much about you I feel like I already know you. Please let me know, what have you done since you arrived? Where are you staying? Do you need anything? Oh, I'm Caroline by the way.", she giggled. I'm still trying to register her welcome when she rushes all those questions out. I smile at how cute she is, he eyes just twinkle and they are so blue. I wonder if she is married. I can't remember reading much on Princess Caroline. If she is not, I'm sure she has many wishing to be in her favor.

"Princess Caroline, it's such a honour to meet you. I have just arrived so I have yet to see the wonderful things here. This trip has been a rather surprise for me so I am yet the figure out where to start. So, I figured this would be the perfect start." I'm quite impressed that I sound all professional and formal. Mother would have been proud. I continue on, "Let's see, to finish your inquires. I am in need of nothing and am staying at The Freidamore."

"Wonderul! Do just call me Caroline. The Freidamore is the very best, I'm so glad to here you are somewhere as wonderful as it. They will take care of your every need. Lovely. So, now let's take a stroll out the gardens and get to know each other better.", she places her hands around my arm and carries me away.

Sometime after spending a good amount of time with Princess Caroline, I attempt to get an refreshment and rest my brain. She loves to talk and I think my ears are still ringing. It seems, since Princess Caroline took time personally with me that everyone has decided I'm the person to know. No one let me get anything on my own. I was growing extremely fatigued by all the attention. Basically, I was annoyed. It hate the politics of rich. Pretending to be your best friend only because who you knew or by how the richest view you. I chuckle to myself thinking how most of them would be appauled if they knew the actual true. Deciding it was time to escape this mad house. I find a corner to seems tlo hide my existence. As everyone seems to thing I moved onto the dance floor things went back to mingling with their friends and forgetting the American that Princess Caroline was so friendly with. So, thinking I might stay for the dinner now that things are normal again.

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