Chapter 23: Morning Visitors

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Hello readers!

You all are so awesome; I am sorry I've been a bit slow lately, but yeah, so.... happy reading:)

Did I do good or bad? Let me know!




"Princess Caroline, What a pleasant surprise!"

I curtsied, but she pulls me up into a hug. What the heck, Why would she be visiting me, especially at this hour? It is way too early to be visiting someone, even for the damnable royalty. I am not a morning person, people! What happened, did I break a royal rule or something? Am I being banished from the country? Nah, she would not be hugging me, right?

"Oh my..please stop with the curtsying sweetie! Only at public functions is that necessary."

What do I say to that?

"I was just enjoying some hot tea on the terrace, please come, and join me?"

"Oh lovely, thank you so much. What, a grand view you have here!"

"Yes, thank you. I confess, I do spend much of my time out here."

Snap! I have no idea what to talk about, do I ask why she's here, or would that sound rude?

"Yes, I can see why that would be enjoyable."

"So...umm...I hope you have been well! How is your daughter, Cassandra? I did not see her at the children's charity ball."

Good lord, I am sinking here, where is, Sarah when I need her?

"Yes, I very well thank you. Cassandra did indeed miss the function; albeit, she is doing wonderfully. Nevertheless, I am sure you cannot be that interested in her, my dear. You are probably dying of curiosity as of why I am here!"

I tried hard to hide my red face, it would give me away entirely. She was a rather blunt person, and I was never sure how I was to take it. I was debating on lying through my teeth or telling the truth politely. Hmm...

"I admit you do have me a bit on the curious side of what brings you here."

"Well my sweet, I'm here because of Emmet."

My stomach got queasy, just hearing his name has started making me nervous. Since Sarah's lecture, I have been working hard to block out her words. It hasn't been working; however, much to my annoyance.


I probably should have said more, but I didn't know what it should be.

"Yes. It is rather bothersome how; my brother doesn't keep me informed. Therefore, I was a wee bit surprised this morning. I went in search for answers; it seems, I was the only one unaware. Of course, this is completely normal. Papa, and Mama updated me on the latest happenings. I still handed a nice lecture to Emmet, because it is always so much fun. I have to say, I am quite pleased over the matter. Although, I believe Emmet is overly so, which confused me at first. We generally do not like these things happening, for it can cause a negative effect. However, once he filled me in, I had no further confusion. He can be a wee mischievous at times, so I feared I should come along to make sure you are alright with everything."

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