Chapter 28: Emmet, I love you..

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Dear Readers: 

I can't express how much it means too me that you have not given up on me! I am so sorry, I have neglected this story, and my lovely fans. I have been moving, and it has consumed my time. The good news is we are finally moved, so hopefully I can get back to a regular schedule. This chapter has been hard to write but I believe it will be worth the wait. No hating on me, until you finish the whole chapter. Haha please give me lots a comments, it keeps me going:)


CHAPTER 28: Emmet, I love you..

Strong foreboding circuits shoot throughout my body, as I descend from the plane. An immediate memory of the last time I felt such a portentous feeling, causes me to stumble slightly. I learned of my parent's death that particular time. Needless to say, this caused my current uncontrollable shivering; especially since, this time it was even stronger than before. As I regained my balance, I almost lost it again when I heard Emmet's cold voice.

"I have come to a decision, Kylie."

I was not shocked by his appearance; no it was the coldness that had taken a hold of his baritone Irish accent. I would have guessed he would be here; just not at the bottom steps of the dreaded airplane. I could not look up, fearful of what I would see in his lovely eyes. Even when he has been spouting Galiec at me, during his worse bout of anger, I would always see the love in his eyes; however, the foreboding caused me to keep my eyes diverted. I barely squeezed out a response to him before he started talking again in that cold voice that sent shivers down my already shaking body.

"I see you are not going to pretend what you have done was not beyond forgiveness. That is a nice change, I am used to you pretending your actions aren't out of control."

The words beyond forgiveness caused me to jerk my head up despite my fear of what I would see in his eyes. When my eyes connected with his, I could not hold in a gasp. The coldness, could have caused the whole ocean to freeze. Fear like I had never experienced consumed me. I held back the strong desire to run into his arms to feel our electric connection. I needed to be sure I had not lost him, yet a daunting feeling kept me from touching him. I knew I would rather die, if it was not there. I stood in place, grasping the rail of the stairs to keep me upright; and conjoined all my strength to get my voice to work.

"Emmet, I know you have every right to be furious with me. I have no problem admitting I have been completely wrong; I am begging you to only, listen to me, and tell me what I must do to receive your forgiveness."

He chuckled in such a cold callous way, that I knew I had done more than anger him; I hurt him. I have damaged his trust in me, and I feared that was not all I had harmed. I prayed I would find the right words to repair the mess; I did. There was one thing that became clear to me. I cannot live without Emmet in my life. I did not worry about what it meant to be with him anymore, because I fear more of what would happen to me, if I did not have his love. My eyes pleaded with him.

"You can say whatever you like on our way to retrieve your passport; however, it will not change my decision."

I did not want to ask about this decision, every bone in my body told me not to ask; nevertheless, my mouth once again betrayed me.

"What decision is that, Emmet?"

I really need to learn self-control, what is wrong with me? All my hope crumbled by his next words; tears began to build and threatened to overflow.

"You will be escorted by the guard beyond the door; however, get yourself together before you step into the airport, your tears will cause even more scandal. I will explain my decision when we are in the limo."

I heard Sarah's voice behind me just as my legs gave out on me.

"Dear Lord, Kylie..."

It took almost twenty minutes for Sarah to calm me down; I was in a full-blown meltdown.  Sarah became quite an expert make-up artist, during her mourning time. She was gifted with the ability to hide even the worst of puffy tear-drenched eyes with the most amazing results. I was in dire need of her wonderful skills, and was extremely grateful for her help.   The very last thing I needed was to be photographed with my face revealing any signs of upset. I was also more than ecstatic that my sister was the only one to witness my drama-filled moment on the airplane's stairs.  I sent up a prayer of thanks for the strict security airports was required to maintain since 9/11.

It was pure determination that carried me through the next forty minutes.  I walked through the security door to witness the royal guards fending off the paparazzi.  I couldn't have counted all the individuals who demanded autographs or pictures with them.  I am pretty certain; I could have won an Oscar if anyone knew of the turmoil that was boiling up inside me.  I finally made it through the airport having no idea where the strength had come from; nonetheless, I was enormously grateful. I definitely had a new apprication for famous people that had to endure such invasions, and scuritiny in their daily lives. Honestly, a person cannot have a prefect life; nevertheless, one slight moment  of unhappiness caught on film can cause such a horrid amount of scandal.   I do not believe one can truly comprehend what it's, like unless they have experienced it for themselves.  

If everyone had a chance to endure such a life, even for a short time, the paparazzi would be without jobs within a week!  Actually, they might be required to go into hiding to avoid being murdered.

I stood a moment taking some deep breaths before sliding into the limousine, I was beyond high strung.  I almost whimpered when Emmet immediately moved to avoid sitting near me.  I couldn't quite understand his reaction.  This coldness from him was scaring the hell out of me! I was prepared for his wrath; I even deserved a full-blown Galiec tongue-lashing of mega proportions from him. However, instead, I was being frozen out; I could feel not the slightest connection with him.  I needed to be reassured not all was lost; nonetheless, I feared to touch him.  I got a hold of my breathing, and was about to open my mouth to speak when he broke the silence.

"Before you begin with your begging, I really would rather be spared of the torture. It would be a waste of both of our times, because it matters not what you have to


 My foreboding was back, and thick in the air. I couldn't believe this was my compassionate sweet Emmet sitting before me. It was more like the devil in Emmet'sbody, for there was  not even the slightest amount of emotion in his face or in his voice.  I didn't stop the tear, as it ran down my cheek; I left it there to will Emmet's compassion back. I waited for him to wipe it away for me, or at least lessen his cold look.  I needed him to touch me.  Instead, his next words were like a knife straight into my heart.

Your tears do not affect me anymore, Kyliette. Let me tell you my decision so you can have a clear understanding of your future association with me, and my country.  I am terminating my relationship with you.  I have no desire to have any future contact with you, if you try to contact me or anyone in my family, I will be forced to take legal actions.  You are to retrieve your passport, and immediately leave the country, by escort.  If you ever try to return to this country, I will have you arrested for theft of a royal aircraft.  I hope this is clear enough for you to understand."

"Please Emmet,  I love you.  I don't understand... we can work this out.  We belong together; I can't survive without you in my life."

My hand shook as I reached for him. I couldn't believe this was happening, surly once he felt our electricity he would be jerked out of this coldness.  My hand touched his face, and I sucked in my breath. There was nothing. He smirked at me, with an evilness.

"Yes, Kyliette, you killed our love with your selfishness.  It is over."


I know you want to hate on me right now. So, what you think about this strange reaction from Emmet?  What will Kylie do?

I promise I will do my very best to get the next chapter up within the next three days.


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