Chapter 1: My Keys Please

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I've tried to clean the chapter up so hopely it flows better.


"Sarah where is my keys!"

I am so late. I can not be late for work again! George will fire me for sure this time. I hear her yelling something but my eye catches a glimpse of silver. I grab my keys and run out the door. As I back out I hit speed dial.

Sarah yells into the phone, "You did not just leave without telling your niece goodbye,did you?"

I sigh, "Aha.. Sarah you know I would never do that unless I was super duper late! I will make it up to you, I promise!"

I hear some mumbling then she grumbles, "Sure you will, Sis." I huff at her and remind her that I had planned to watch Mia so that she can have some time with her friends.

She grumbles, "OK OK I will shut up now then." I change the subject quickly before she decides to complain about something else, like me not taking the trash out this morning. We chat for a few minutes then promise to get home early so she can go out with her friends.

As I'm driving to work I start thinking about how hard Sarah has had it lately. Her husband Jerry died when she was just 5 months pregnant with Mia.Jerry was a sniper he loved his job, but she hated it. She would always say she knew that he would get killed and leave her with a bunch of kids. He called her drama queen and would hug her and just tell her they were going to grow old together. But true to Sarah's fears he was shoot down during a raid. The death put her into premature labor,so she was on bed rest until Mia came. I declared after watching Sarah mourn that I would just stay single for the rest of my life. I never wanted to go through what she went through. It just was not worth it. What few boyfriends I've had did not leave very good impressions on me. They only wanted one thing. I was the oldest virgin they had ever met. So, they were determined to bang me. I never gave them the chance.


Next chapter is coming right up:)

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