Sweet Like Candy (Candytale Sans x Reader :3)

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((So I realized that some people don't really like commenting requests and I fogot to say that you guys can also Pm me the requests and heck we might even become friends C: well anyways..Heres Cotton Candy Sans! >w<))


You were on your way home from the first day of school as you notice a newly built candy store that was having a grand re-opening. Then you remember there being an old candy store there but there weren't very many cashiers and the candy was so yesterday. You feel your mouth water at seeing the yummy looking candy on the advertising signs in front of the store as you quickly unzip your bag and look for your small wallet that you always brought with you to school so that you could buy little snacks sometimes in the cafeteria like chips for instance. A small smile forms on your lips as you find your wallet and find that you have quite a bit of money once you check your wallet. 'This is basically enough to buy a whole bag!' You say to yourself in your mind as you squeal a little bit in happieness while running to the candy store, crossing the street in order to get there. You walk inside the store and look around as your eyes turn into stars at all the delicious looking candy and walk over to a small aisle that has a variety of different candies, such as jelly beans and Mike'n Ikes. Your favorite candy was cotton candy and you weren't really sure why. "paps! look!! a human!" You hear a cute voice say with a small gasp as you turn your head to the right only to see an adorable skeleton wearing a purple jacket with pink fluffy fur on the hood, purple basketball shorts with a pink and blue line on the sides of them, a yellow shirt with pink stripes, and pink slippers that had the same fluffy fur on the top parts of them just like his jacket He looked so cute. "SANS!! YOU MIGHT SCARE HER!" You flinch a little at the loud voice before shifting your gaze from looking at the cute short skeleton to a much taller skeleton who also had a funny yet cute outfit on. He wore what looked like candy cane leggings or something ((maybeh tights xDD)), a light brown armor looking top, a darker brown scarf, amd some brown boots that had red soles. He looked like a chocolate candycane while the shorter one looked like cotton candy, your favorite. "huh? no way pap! they look way too friendly to be scared!!" The shorter skeleton exclaims in a happy and cheerful voice obviously oblivious to what the taller skeleton said before he walks over to you amd grins happily and friendly. "hi! i'm sans! and this is my bro, papyrus!" Sans exclaims happily as extends his hand out for you to shake which you do without hesitation as you smile warmly at him. "Hello Sans! I'm Y/N!!" You exclaim happily to the short skeleton as you see little white stars form in his eyes. The three of you all chat together for awhile while walking moderately slow through the aisles, trying to keep the conversation going for as long as it can. Soon the shop is close to closing, so you and Sans along with his brother say your goodbyes and you buy your candy then leave the store and head to your house. You decide to stay up a bit and play video games while eating some candy. ((Not gonna lie about it, I seriously do that xD)) Midnight comes by very quickly while you play your video games until you let out a tired yawn and decide to check your clock, noticing that midnight has come and a wolf's howl can be heard from a distance as realization strikes you like a lightning bolt at how late it was. You turn your games off and crawl into the covers of your bed, letting them envelope you in their soft and cozy fabric as you feel your eyelids grow heavy and fall asleep.

You wake up the next morning remembering the short cute little skeleton you met the day before, Sans, as you sit up and rub the sleep out of your eyes before getting up and getting ready for the day, you then soon leave your house to go a little walk. You sit down on a park bench since it was early and you still had time before school started so you decided to rest your feet for a while until hearing a familiar voice calling to you followed by some fast paced foot steps. You look behind you to see Sans running towards you with that same goofy and yet cute smile on his face as you can't help but smile back. The two of you talk for a little bit before having to leave to head to school and this soon became a daily thing, every morning you and Sans would meet up at this very spot. But not just for mornings, you guys also would meet up here after school. One day, you were walking to the same park that had that same untouched bench that was almost as if it was 'reserved' for only you and Sans to sit at and for no one else. It was snowing outside making you shiver since you forgot your jacket and ultimately making your teeth chatter. The icy wind stung your skin on contact as if felt like you couldn't breath when you obviously could and there was nothing wrong with you. Sans quietly walks over to you and sits down on the bench next to you. You look up at him as a frown slowly makes it's way to your lips as Sans doesn't seem like he's much for conversation. "hey..y/n?" Sans asks you in a quiet voice as he turns to look at you. "Y-Y-Y-Ye-e-e-es-s?" You answer him in a stutter as you barely managed to say a single word. Sans stares at you quietly for a second as if he was in deep thought before taking off his warm jacket and putting it on you while you about to protest but instead gave in from the softness of the jacket and welcome the warmth of the jacket in a hug as you hug yourself to conserve the warmth you slowly start to generate. "i don't really need that so you can wear it. but you can't keep it!" Sans says with a smile before placing one of his hands ontop of yours and looking into your E/C eyes lovingly with his before giving you a small peck on the lips without warning. "yep..i knew it! i fell in love with you." Sans says in a cheery voice while all it seemed that you could do was blush like crazy which Sans noticed so luckily, his feelings weren't hurt into thinking that you didn't like him back.

((Here Jana..I present to you..A KAWAII PIC xD))


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