Underswap Papyrus x Reader

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((Hey guys..here's the US Paps OneShot..sorry if it sucks Dx))

You walked in the steep snow of Snowdin as the crisp cold air blew on your warm soft skin making it sting as you zipped your F/C coat up in an act to keep what little warmth your body was generating at the time as you made your way towards the friendly cheerful town where Christmas never seems to end. You walked inside the chilly school and started walking down what seemed like an endless corridor. Your school had dorms for every student that went to the school to sleep in, eat breakfast, etc. You reach into your school bag for your dorm room keys and unlocked your dorm room door that stood before you then stepped foot in the warm cozy room. You let out a small yawn as you start walking towards a door inside the room that is connected to a small oart of your small dorm room. Behind the door consists of a bed, a nightstand with a cute lamp on it, a small cute trashcan, and a bathroom. Oddly, the bed was a twin sized bed instead of a single sized bed but you didn't mind it at all in fact, you enjoyed the extra space that it provided you. As you open the door to your room you feel your eyes grow wide at what you see lying in your bed. There was a tall skeleton wearing an orange ((or red :p))
hoodie taking a peaceful nap on your bed. Luckily you knew who this skeleton was, he was one of the most popular guys at your school while his younger brother, not so much. His name was was Papyrus and he was one of your first friends you made at the beginning of the year and you remember always hearing rumors at your school of people saying that he had a crush on you but of course you being the type of girl you were, you always ignored them. One of your close friends, Mettaton began a rivalry relationship with you since she liked Papyrus and she let the rumors get to her head on one fateful day. On that same day you lost half of your friends even Catty stopped talking to you and she was your bestie but her best friend was Bratty which made the three of you a circle of besties pretty much. Papyrus's brother, Sans was always there for you though. He wasn't really a friend to you and instead was treated like a little brother by you. You loved that little goofball but not literate love, you loved him as if he was your own brother. Everytime Paps was busy and not able to be by his brother's side you were always there to take his place. You would visit the skeleton brothers' dorm room all the time, make Sans his favorite food, give him cooking lessons, read him a bedtime story, and you would always be there to protect him if he ever got in trouble at school or was being bullied. He was very childish and everytime that you and Paps were able to hang out without his younger brother Paps would always talk about his brother. He would always talk about how cool he is or how innocent and childish he is. It showed how much Papyrus really cared and loved his little brother and you admired that about the two skeletons. They may not be human or have flesh but they sure did know how to love just like any human or monster could. You walk over to the sleeping Papyrus and nudge the sleepy skeleton lightly in an act to wake him up..nothing happened. You let out a small sigh and gently grabbed one of his boney hands then using what little energy you had left, you tried pulling the sleeping skeleton off your bed. He didn't even move a centimeter making you growl a little at him before grabbing an airhorn and blared in his nonexistent ears. ((xD)) Papyrus jolted up immediately with his eye flickering an orange light slightly. kt was obvious he was a bit shaken up from the sudden noise and possibly angry at how he was woken up but hey, you were tired and you needed the sleep or you needed to at least relax under the soft and cozy blankets of your bed envelope you in their soft and gentle fabric. Papyrus's eye stopped flickering when he saw you and smiled slightly at you as you noticed a light tint of orange dust across his cheekbones but you ignored it since you thought that he was probably blushing because he was embarrassed. "Sans Is crying in his room right now..He misses his big brother." You say calmly and slighty nonchalantly to Papyrus. You knew you just said a lie to one of your closest friends but you never know maybe lil Sansy Is doing that right now. Being the loving and caring older brother Papyrus was, he got up and ran out the door feeling horrible that he made his little brother cry. "See ya tomorrow!" Papyrus yelled from outside of your dorm room door loud enough for you to hear and that's when you realized, tomorrow is Saturday and jumped up in excitement. You didn't have any plans for the weekend but boy did you love sleeping the day away! You grabbed your shoes and tossed them on then ran out your dorm room deciding to treat yourself to a little meal for your personal little celebration. You walk into a bar that was named 'Grillbys' and took a seat at a counter where you saw the most laziest skeleton drinking ketchup. He looked at you and gave you a friendly smile as he silently waved at you before Grillby walked over to you expecting your order which was plain and simple, you ordered a burger and a F/S. ((Favorite Soda (; )) While waiting patiently for your order, you turned to face the skeleton who looked a lot like Paps little brother as you scanned his clothes attire which looked very lazy. "hey kiddo..why not take a picture it'll last longer." The lazy skeleton said in a humorous way making the whole bar laugh at his little joke. You gave him a little grin, you were used to jokesters by now heck you were close friends with one! You were about to tell a bad pun about skeletons to him but time wasn't on your side today you guessed or Grillby was just exceptionally fast at cooking but then again he is a monster made out of fire. He probably uses fire magic to cook the burgers patties or something you thought you shrugged the thought off and silently ate your meal. After you were finished, you payed the bill for your food and noticed that the lazy skeleton wasn't there anymore. You walked back to your school and to the dorm room then layed down in your bed, falling into a peaceful sleep.

((Time skip brought to by: a person who can't make good puns xD))

The next day you were walking to the river to meet up with the river person, you were planning on getting a ride from her to HotLands to visit Undyne. You suddenly felt somebody grab your hand and turned around to see Papyrus who had a slightgrin on his face. "Hey you lied to me last night and now I'm going to get my revenge." Papyrus stated as you started to uncontrollably blush a bright red as you were suddenly pulled close by him and felt teeth smash into your lips but it wasn't painful. After a few moments passed by, you gave into the kiss and wrapped your arms around Papyrus's neck and kissed him back. The two of you were kissing for a good minute or so until you were interrupted by a cute jealous little brother, Sans. "Paps! No kissing in public!" Sans stated seriously as if it was a law or a policy or something. And from then on Papyrus and you became a happy coulpe and would occasionally go on dates. The two of you weren't able to go on dates very often because you both had school and Papyrus had a little brother to take care of.

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