Random Journal Entry

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A/N This is a journal entry that I wrote a few nights ago... Maya and Destiny are my best friends..



I was just texting Maya and started typing some random words on my Blackberry. I felt like I couldn't stop typing. I feel like what I texted her was really deep and I forwarded it to Destiny and she said that I should become a poet or an advice columnist someday. (Yikes!)

So, this is what I originally sent Maya :

~Feel the pain, sorrow, regret, and mistakes about how you feel and not be harmed by any imperfections.~

I just love how this has so much passion & emotion behind it when it's only like, 2 sentences. I just cannot believe that those words came out of my "mouth" because usually Destiny says something so deep and passionate as that. Anyways, I'll write again soon!

xx, Ash.


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