09. To Be or Not To Be Married

Start from the beginning

"There has to be more to this dress.", Rebekah yelled(more like screeched in Bella's opinion) from her dressing room. 

"There's not.", Klaus responded.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes then."

Mirabella walked out of her dressing room wearing a black bralette and a black pencil skirt with black heels. Her honey-blonde locks were done in a high ponytail, completing her look. "Well sister you are the one who picked the outfit, it makes sense though. You are a slut."

Rebekah's face turned red with anger and embarrassment, seeing as her sister was right, she did choose the outfit

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Rebekah's face turned red with anger and embarrassment, seeing as her sister was right, she did choose the outfit. She continued talking anyway, "You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"I'm pretty sure thats not all you got dirty looks for.", Mirabella shot back. 

Klaus turned to face Rebekah, "You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing. "

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."

"No one uses cable cars anymore sister, catch up.", Anyone could sense the irritation in Bella's tone.

"Its dance music.", Stefan answered.

"You would dance to this?"

Stefan was about to answer when Mirabella answered for him, not wanting the two to communicate in any way, "Not with you."

"Are we done?", Klaus asked sick of the sisters and their banter. 

Rebekah walked over to her brother, "And why are you so grumpy?"

"I needed one thin from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it."

"I didn't lose it. Its just ben missing for 90 years." Rebekah turned to Stefan, "So what do you think?"

Rebekah purposefully asked Stefan to rile up her sister, which of course it did.

Mirabella quickly turned to Stefan and pointed at him with her perfectly manicured finger nail that was painted white, "You will not answer that. However you will answer my question. How do I look?"

"Very beautiful."

"I knew that." Bella said in a 'duh' tone, "You were supposed to say I look sexy, but don't worry I'll take beautiful too."

Rebekah left the trio fuming, jealous of the attention Stefan gave her sister. Klaus looked to the couple, "Nice one, good work you two."

Stefan shot back, "You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her."

"I heard that", Rebekah yelled from her dressing room. 

"I'm going to go buy this outfit then change into the other one I picked out. Join me Stefan."

Stefan and Mirabella walked to the dressing room/bathroom space at the back of the shop, both of them entering the little box shaped space. 

Once they were inside Mirabella turned on the sink, to keep from her siblings from listening in. 

"We need to talk." They both said at the same time. 

Stefan decided to go first, "What are we? Because I know what I want us to be but I don't know what you want us to be."

"I know what I want us to be too. But I don't know if we are on the same page."

"Well just tell me what you want us to be."

"I want us to be what we were. In the twenties. Husband and wife. But you have E-L-E-N-A and I don't want to get in-between you two if you still love her."

Stefan immediately put his lips to Bella's. He used this as a tactic to shut her up but he also enjoyed doing it too. 

"Why did you do that?" she asked breathless. 

"Because you wouldn't stop talking."


"I broke up with E-L-E-N-A because I love you. Yes I did love E-L-E-N-A, but then you came along, and I was already pretty sure she was in love with my brother, so you just gave me the push I needed to finally end things."

"So we are something... but what are we?"

"You are my wife. That's all I know."

"I like that. I like that a lot."

Mirabella then started to proceed to take her bralette off revealing her black lace bra to Stefan.

"I should leave."

"Why? Its nothing you haven't seen before Salvatore."

"True. You know I don't think calling me Salvatore will work anymore."

"Why not?" Mirabella asked while she put on the other outfit she had packed. It consisted of a white PINK sweatshirt, black skinny jeans and navy heals paired with a gray beanie and a cream bag.

"Because your a Salvatore now and people might get confused."

"That makes no sense."

"Yes it does.", Stefan argued.

"I'm still calling you Salvatore.", Bella sang while leaving the room.

Stefan turned off the sink and trailed after her.


I know this is short but next chapter is gonna be really long so this is kind of a filler. But we now know where their relationship stands YAY!!!!

I know Mirabella is mean to her sister but she's just upset about Rebekah liking her husband. Don't worry it'll blow over soon. Until then enjoy her mean and sarcastic remarks. 

Thats it.




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