The Domino Effect: Ares

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{{Ok, ok I know it's been a little more than 3 weeks almost a month since my last update... Well I would have uploaded on Monday Like I said I was going too, but my editor seems to have mysteriously vanished so I had to edit myself, so excuse any typos... I've been busy recently so I haven't had time to write due to personal stuffs.... Well see you this Sunday -cough- or next Sunday...

                          ~Lusa Lulu}}

He saw it. He saw it. He saw it. He saw it. He saw it. He saw it. HE SAW IT. Hesawit.

As soon as the boy got out of the bathroom away from that kid, well Ash Caraday, he felt himself pick up speed until the panic-stricken boy was in a full out run. The calm collected kid from the bathroom evaporated immediately and he felt fear filled tremors rake up and down his body.

The boy carefully maneuvered around kids as the hallways slowly began to fill with students making their way to their next class. All of them, every single last one of them were blissfully unaware of what a wicked and cruel spirit Life was.

She loved to torment those under malevolent eyes. She giggled in pleasure as she tore apart families. She handed over souls without a second thought to her brother Death. She smiled at a person’s agony. She gleefully drove men into madness. She brushed away pleas of forgiveness. She ruined childhoods happily. She didn’t give people breaks. She never gave Ares a break.

As the boy saw it Life had made him the star perform in her horrid little show, she become unreasonably shameless to the joy of watching him, she was just like Father. She hated him.

His thoughts had taken him momentarily away from the situation at hand. He briefly forgot why he was running, and even that he was running. The only thing altering him was the burning of his leg muscle and the rasping sound of his breath as it shredded the lining of his throat. Then sudden halt in motion sent him flying forward. He felt himself begin to fall to the floor which would only result in the very probable event of a cracked skull.

Yet somehow in the chaos his body had released upon him he did not feel that connection with the floor which would have been undoubtedly excruciatingly painful despite his relatively high tolerance to pain. Though Life seemed to have something different planned for him today. Instead of the cold, hard, and unwelcoming tile floor the boy had ended up falling into something warmer, softer.

Ares tensed up.

He immediately recognized the not-floor as another human being, a person. A person which reminded him of why he had been running in the first place. Running in a very exaggerated attempt to escape what he had left back in the bathroom, in the bathroom which had been~

Oh Shit. The boy had seen him, the evidence. He had seen the discoloration on his skin, the scarring, the bandage, how skinny he was, the cut. Ash Caraday had seen everything he had been so careful to hide. Oh and if Father found out. He felt another strong tremor accompanied by a wave of nausea roll through his body and his fingers clasped onto fabric in a desperate death grip.

It took an unnecessary amount of brain power to realize that he was still buried into this person that had stopped him from connecting with the ground and he slowly felt his muscle relax and his fingers loosen their hold on this person’s shirt. Then there was a pressure on his shoulders that vaguely reminded him on hands, then against the loud chatter of the hallways a single word was being directed at him. It was the strangest thing he had ever heard.

“Brainiack!” The boy finally felt his mind begin to work at a normal speed again, he tilted his head up blinking beginning to become aware of someone touching him. Someone who’s large hands oddly resembled the meaty claws of Father. Then he suddenly saw bright blue spheres, two of them, that oddly resembled eyes and soft looking blond colored texture that oddly resembled hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2011 ⏰

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