The Domino Effect: Dustin

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{{ AN//// Hey It's lusa lulu. I'm home sick from school so I figured, "Hmmmm. School is stupid." Then I thought, "Being at home when all by friends are at school is even worse." So then that led me too, "I have nothing to do... Maybe i should do some writing." Then I remembered, "I am writing a story on Wattpad!" Thus I came to this, "Oh my gawd! I haven't written Dustin's introduction!" In my shock I remember, "I can't start writing actual chapters until I do this!" And thus, the next part of 'A being of Nonexistence' was born!!!! Comments are welcome, this is my first time writing from Dustin's point of view, I would like some feedback on him though.}}

Rain was the most peculiar thing, was it not? It fell, from the sky, to the ground, and made things wet. How silly. But then the best was rain could get back up to the sky, not by raining backwards, no, by changing it’s state of matter, how mysterious. The rain would change it’s state, become as light as air, a gas. Floating up, up, up, straight into the sky where it would fall, fall, fall, back into the ground.

“Pfft.” The silence in the teacher’s lounge was broken with the outbreak of laughter, met with the dirty stairs of a single man’s seniors. Rain was such a funny thing, yes it was. He threw his head back, several teachers got up to leave the room. Was it odd, to be well, odd? “Oh, so very odd.” He murmured walking over to the window. The cool glass pressed up against his forehead and he looked up, why was he a teacher? That was a good question and was simply because he enjoyed children, not in the perverted way. He liked to watch them, they were silly, entertaining, some purely innocent, some mischievously crude, and some held deep dark secrets.  They were interesting.

But surely that wasn’t how he got the job, no he needed the brains to back it up, the man was a genius, to put it lightly. He had the ability not to forget, to remember, he did remember, facts, fiction, the weather. He just remembered. Certainly a man of his caliber shouldn’t be working at a school, but he was odd. No interest in money, fame, women(If you catching my drift), he was simply odd. Working at a school, surrounded by rowdy teens, was the place he wanted to be.

Quietness. Another odd term, could you say something was ever real quiet, have you actual ever experienced true quietness? Has there ever been a moment in your life when not a sound was heard. Where there was no hum of some machine running beneath your feet, or the rhythmic sound of nature. So the man concluded that silence and quietness were invalid terms that were exaggerated. Maybe a human experienced true quietness once in their life, but it was highly unlikely, Dustin knew he hadn’t and he remembered… everything.

“Oh, and what is this?” A grin plastered across the teacher’s face. “Is that a boy I see, why it is, a boy, there’s a boy, don’t you see. How odd, yes very odd, look, there he is, he walks, he walks, Look!” He wasn’t insane, just odd. “He walks, walks in the rain! In the rain, just in the rain. In the rain alone, along he walks, walking alone!” That was strange, yes Dustin knew who this boy was, he was a freshman, he had been placed in regular classes, though it was obvious he should be in advanced placement classes, he didn’t have to pay attention to the lectures Dustin, ahem, Mr. Eistie gave to the class. He was an interesting one, one he would make sure to watch carefully.

“No umbrella, yes, no, no umbrella can I see, he has of what is not an umbrella, none in his hand, the rain, the rain rains on he.” The boy could get a cold, why walk in the rain with no protection, did the rain feel good against his skin, did he wish to wash away something he was hiding, it was about time that the man should find.

He peeled his face away from the window red blotches marked his face, he turned to what was left of the teachers here. “Goodbye, bye my seniors, to see you for a better day tomorrow.” He grabbed his umbrella, it was purple, plain, not what you would expect him to own. He practically galloped out of the room, many of the remaining students yelled goodbyes to him, he was rather popular, a fun teacher, different. Students seemed to like that, fine with him, he enjoyed attention. He called each student that said goodbye to him by name, he recognized each kids voice, all voices had small differences that, if you could remember everything, you would be able to hear, just like Dustin did.

He laughed running down the hallway, students laughed with him, adults scowled at him muttering about his inappropriate actions. Well Dustin was young, 24 to be exact, he should live life to the fullest while he still could. And not to mention he lived up to the stereotype that Asians were freakin’ geniuses. Since he was a ‘freakin’ genius’. It was only expect that the Japanese man to be smart with his Asian blood running through him.

Outside. The rain came down, and there was the boy, Ares. Alone, getting rained on, his head down, as always. The umbrella popped open, Dustin ran to the boy. “AAAARRRREEESSSSS.” The man sang out, completely immature. He watched the boy stop dead in his tracks turning around only to be standing under Dustin’s pale purple umbrella… Pale purple, haha, those to words together sounded funny. He laughed out loud looking only to see the boy completely freaked out by the man’ oddness, to be expected.

He smiled. “You’re all wet.”

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