Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come!

Start from the beginning

"Alright alright, I won't think about them then!" I said smiling at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck thanking him for bandaging my wrist. "I'll just think about Hogwarts and finally getting to spend the school year with you!" I giggled excitedly.

Sirius smirked. "Yes! This year is going to be epic sis! I think it's going to be the best ever!" He agreed as we left the bathroom.

I smiled. "Oh yeah and now that we are in the same school, the Annual BTPW is going to be wild!" I smirked. The BTPW was a quick and private way of saying the Black Twin Prank War, which was an annual private thing between me and Sirius. Sirius shared a knowing smirk as we walked to my broom closet of a bedroom.

Regulus' P.O.V.
"Yes Mother, I will work hard...I promise..." I mumbled as she cleaned and pinched the skin on the side of my face. I was only twelve years old and yet I felt as though I had the weight of the world resting upon my small shoulders. I knew that even though my parents complained so much about my brother and sister, I was still unable to see why they refused to like them! Sirius and Zentheya were the best siblings ever!

"Good! Now eat up, you'll need all of your strength for the Quidditch tryouts for Slytherin this year!" Mother instructed as she placed a plate of half cooked food in front of me. "But I have no doubt that you're going to bring this whole family so much pride! Unlike your good-for-nothing siblings!" She exclaimed as she gave me her best smile. "Speaking of which, where are your useless siblings!? Your Father will want to go soon!"

I swallowed nervously. My Mother's smile was so forced that it looks like she may as well be sick! I wasn't even inside the school ground and I already felt nauseous! The pressure was suffocating me so much more than last year! I began to slowly pick at the food. I wasn't sure if it was edible.... "I think Sirius is helping Zentheya get ready..." I sheepishly explained. Mother scoffed and rolled her eyes as she began shifting through the cupboards.

"That is what she gets for getting herself expelled! Your Father was not pleased at all!" Mother once again began ranting about how useless Zentheya was.

Personally, I thought Zentheya was the best sister! She was always there to comfort me whenever I had a nightmare and Sirius was always there to teach me how to play different sports, like catch, or cool spells that helped me make friends in first year. He got punished badly for it though...he wasn't allowed to teach me Muggle things... it didn't stop him though and I was glad because it made me feel like just for a few minutes we were a normal family... "Kreacher, why don't you go and fetch those two!" Mother's bossy voice snapped me from my thoughts.

"Yes Mistress Black!" The grumbling English accent of our family's house elf, Kreacher, echoed through the kitchen as he finished cleaning the shards of glass that were scattered across the floor from Father's fit of anger, before leaving the room and heading upstairs. All I wanted was a safe and happy family like all of my friends...

Sirius' P.O.V
"Are you excited?" I smiled at my sister as I helped her finish packing her trunk.

"Hell yeah!" Zentheya smirked. "I finally get to meet the rest of the Marauders, that I have hearing so much about!"

I smirked as I thought of my three best friends, Moony, Prongs and Wormtail, but to everyone else they were known as Remus John Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. "Yeah! And maybe you'll join our group!" Looking up at my sister, I could see the excitement all over her face. It was identical to the excitement that I felt inside. Zentheya let out an excited squeal before tackling me in a hug. Chuckling, I hugged her back as I stumbled backwards at the sheer force of her hug.

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