Chapter 4: The Mood Got Killed

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Chapter 4: The Mood Got Killed

*Xavier’s P.O.V.*

We got off the bus, well at least the ones left behind did. There were 11 of us earlier but now we’re only six.

“I can’t believe Auntie did that”, Viet said as she put on her pink bag over her shoulders.

“Talk about embarrassing”, Vixen agreed to his older sister as he took the heavy bag from Catherine.

Vixen, Viet, Catherine, Drake and I were the only one’s felt from our group. I sighed once again as I recalled the disturbance earlier.


I was typing down my plans on my phone while Drake and Allison vigorously texted each other, the two childish teenagers a.k.a. Jace and Catherine were still at their bickering, Alona’s head was lolling from left to right as she tried to keep awake, Ella and Milly were talking about a guy in school, Vixen was playing a game on his phone while Viet watched with her head on her brother’s shoulder, and Josh was still hell-bent on finishing his book before we reach our destination.

Everything was fine.

Well, maybe a little bit too fine.

I was typing down the menu for tomorrow when I had a strange feeling in my gut, as if I was expecting something to happen.

Then, when the strange feeling began to disappear a shiny red car halted in front of our bus. Good thing the driver wasn’t driving really fast.

Everyone in the bus glanced at the red car as the driver’s door opened. The first thing I saw was a pair of red stilettos and white legs.

Oh no.

It couldn’t be… but there was only one woman in our area that wears nothing but red.

The woman stood straight as she slammed her car doors shut. She was short but her deadly shoes made her look taller, she had a red party dress on, she was wearing red shades and her lips were in a shade of luscious red. But the most noticeable part of her was her red hair.

Oh no, it really is her.

Allison’s mom.

Allison glanced at me. She didn’t ask for permission to join our camping trip. I stared at her with a ‘you said it was okay’ look plastered on my face.

“Allison… I think your mom wants to see you”, thank you Catherine for stating the obvious.

“Al, you said your mom was out of town because of business”, I hissed at her as I watched her mom make her way towards the door of the bus, “why is she here?!”

“I swear she said she’ll be off for a month!” the accused girl defended as she tried to hide her face behind her red backpack.

The door opened and Allison’s mom started scanning the bus, everyone was silent in the bus even the driver.

“Aha! There you are Allison!” she exclaimed as she pointed a sharp red nail at her daughter.

“Mom… Why are you here?”

“I can ask you the same thing, sweetie… Now let’s go home, you have some explaining to do”.

“But mom… my friends-”.

“Your friends will come with us. I know you didn’t ask for permission”.


After that she scanned the seats for Allison’s friends. Milly and Ella was Allison’s second cousins that’s why they were called out of the bus first. Next was Jace, Allison introduced him as her best friend, which he was. Last was Alona who went to the Ferruzca residence once.

Allison’s mom would’ve pulled me out of the bus since she knows me as well but I said that my cousin, I meant Drake since he was closest, and I have been looking forward to this trip for three months.

Vixen and Viet were also Allison’s cousins but they showed Mrs. Ferruzca a piece of paper that has their parent’s signature on it.

“I’m tired already…” Catherine said as she sat on her bag.

“Well then, let’s get going”, Drake said as he hauled his gray bag over his shoulder and walking off towards the forest.

I signed for the umpteenth time that day as I picked my blue and gray bag from the ground beside me before heading for the forest with the rest of the group.

Suddenly, there was a sound of thunder. I looked up to see that the sky was littered with black clouds.

Oh, great. It’s gonna start raining.

There was another booming sound before a drop of cold rainwater hit my nose.

Oh, great, now it seriously starts raining, so much for Catherine’s guess that it was going to be the perfect day for camping.

I ran as fast as I can into the woods with my friends. The trees don’t block all the falling drops of water but it was better than nothing.

I hope our luck lifts up later but by the sound of an upcoming thunderstorm it won’t be…

I growled lowly.

This sucks, my mood just got dumped and wet by rain.

I looked at my friends; the twins were huddled up together and they were obviously cold, Catherine was humming a tune to herself and I could guess why the rain suddenly came, and… Drake was texting AGAIN.

I slowly descended to sit on a bulging root. Now that I was sitting with nothing to do I slowly noticed the feeling I’m having.



And… that we’re being watched?

I turned to look at my back. There wasn’t anything there… not even a deer or something.

I faced front and decided to think about my other feelings. Fear, I know why I’m scared right now. Who wouldn’t? It’s raining and a thunderstorm is heading this way and there is nothing I could do, plus we haven’t made camp yet.

Sad? Now I don’t know why I feel sad. Maybe it was because Mrs. Ferruzca took the others home?

Nah! Impossible, I don’t care about the others.

There was another loud crack of thunder and it scarted the shit out of me. It was soooo close.

“We’re doomed! Well not really, at least we’ll be bound to be sick the next day”, Catherine groaned as she covered her face with her slightly tanned hands.

Yep, almost everything just totally killed my camping mood. But I have this feeling that I don’t want to go home yet.

I sat there for a few, maybe more than a few, minutes and… I heard someone call me.


A/N: I'm sooo happy. Really? No, I was joking. Well, I hope you guys liked it. This ain't related to anything in the story but school sucks -_- bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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