Luke | Cheating?

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Joana: Luke?

L: What's up, Babe?

J: Can you tell me what this is?

I showed him a pic on my phone. It shows him and a girl, kissing. My best friend sent me this a few minutes ago and I cried, so my eyes were still red and swollen.

Luke sighed. It's not what it looks like.

J: I have a picture from you and another girl kissing! I thought you love me!

L: I love you Joana! I really do.

J: No! Otherwise you didn't kiss another girl.

I ran out of the house. Directly to my best friend.

J: Hey. Can I stay at your house for a few days?

Sarah: Sure. But what happened?

J: I had an Argument with Luke.

S: About the pic?

J: Yes. He said it's not what it looks like.

I start to cry. My best friends hugs me straightly. She rubs my back and slowly I fall asleep.

I woke up because of whispering voices.

L: Please Sarah I need to talk to her.

S: she doesn't want to see you! You broke her heart.

L: No it wasn't like that. She wanted to take a picture and begged me to kiss her cheek. I wanted to do it but she turned over her head and i kissed her mouth.

S: Okay. She's in the living room, sleeping. You can try to wake her up.

L: thank you.

I heard steps which cam closer. I don't open your eyes but you felt that someone sat down on the couch.

L: Joana? please wake up. I love you. I always will. This was only a stupid fan.

I opened my eyes

J: Yeah I know, I heard you talking to Sarah. But why do I have to hear it from her, why did YOU didn't tell me?

L: I don't know. I'm an idiot.

J: Yes but you're mine.

L: I love you.

J: I love you too.

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