I woke up the next morning feeling emotionless, like always. I got out out of my bed and look for something to wear. I picked out some grey skinny jeans and a baggy black jumper with the word 'Sup' on it. Don't ask, i buy random stuff. I took a quick shower and dried my hair. I decided leaving it out as i was too lazy to do anything with it. I left my bedroom and went downstairs to watch some tv.

"The guys are coming over in a bit to drop over their stuff for tonight." Kendall told me

"Sleepover at ours i'm guessing?" I questioned

"Yup." He said adding the p.

I nodded and turned my attention back to the tv. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. Kendall looked at me and sighed, knowing he isn't going to get anything out of me. The door bell ran and Kendall quickly ran to answer it. Three loud voices filled the silent room, telling me the guys are here.

"Hey Katie Bear, you okay?" Carlos ask, giving me a side hug.

"Yeah." I mumbled back

"Alright." He kissed my forehead and joined the guys.

I was probably closest with Carlos. He's so easy to talk to and he could tell if something was bothering me and i didn't want to talk about it. He can always make anyone crack up laughing with his silliness.

"Kids breakfast!" Mom shouted

I sighed and turned off the TV. I headed over to the table and sat in my seat i always used to sit at. Kendall was on my left and Carlos was on my right. Mom made a truck load of pancakes and set them on the table. All of the guys and mom dig into their food while i sat there starring at mine.

"I'm not so hungry. Excuse me." I said getting up from my seat and running off to my bedroom.

I grabbed my ipod off the docking station and listened to some music. Little Bit Of Truth by You Me At Six came on and i started humming to the beat. A knock came from my door.

"Come in." I called

"Katie?" Mom said in her usual sweet and soft voice.

"Mom i just can't." I simply said

"Sweetie, you need to eat."

"Yeah i know. But looking at food makes me want to be sick." I said

"Katie, you have to take baby steps, you can do it. You have to eat at least one pancake or you'll not leave this house until you do." Mom stated, becoming strict.

"Okay." I sighed, getting up and walked downstairs, back to the table.

I stared at my food for a long time. Feeling sick. C'mon Katie, you can do this. I kept on repeating at myself. I started to eat it til my plate was almost empty. I pushed my plate to a side and got myself a glass of water. After, i ran upstairs to get my phone, books, bag and my ugg boots. I returned downstairs and walked out the door. Me and the guys goes to different school so they're never witness the bullying THANK GOD! I started to walk to school, i never took the bus because Jessie and her clones are they and i'd rather not get harassed this morning. I was so in my thoughts i bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where i was going." I quickly said

"It's okay. I should be saying sorry." He said in a deep voice which i had to admit, it was a bit attractive.

"My name is Drake." He said


"I'm kind of new here, could you show me where BP2 is?" He smiled shyly.

"Sure, that's where my first lesson is anyway so i'm happy to show you." I smiled back

We started walking to our first lesson is, History. Much as i love History, Jessie and her boyfriend Cole and his friends are in that class so i have no escape. We started to talk about ourselves finding out new facts about each other. Drake was into rock/punk music. His favourites were; You Me At Six, PTP, BVB and All Time Low. He was wearing his PTP tour t-shirt and black jeans with converses. He had electric blue eyes, filled with Mystery and Black spiked up hair. He was much taller than me and he had tan skin. He has an older brother and sister. His sister is 22 and she lives in New York and his brother was 17 and goes to the same school as Kendall. What was awesome we share the same birthday! We arrived at class and we sat in the best. No one sat next to me so Drake took that space.

"Hello Katie, see you made a friend. How much did you pay him?" Jessie laughed along with some other people.

I looked down and hid my face with my hair

"Awh. Is the baby gonna cry? Little shit!" Cole said

"Settle down class and sit in your seats." Miss Winkle voice fills the room.

I stared to relax. Miss Winkle was probably the only nice teacher in the school. I trust her with anything, she always letting me off with homework and she is the only teacher that notice the bullying. She's always telling me i should do something because it was my choice to tell the head or not. I looked over to Drake and he look confused.

"Who are they?" He mouthed

"Just a few people that makes my life hell." I mumbled

"Oh, sorry to hear about that. You're not the only one." He half-smiled

"Yeah, i know. but i'm the only one in this school. Can't wait to get out of this middle school. It's been a hell in here." I smirked at the end bit

(A/N: I Made her age 13 so she's in grade 8.)

"Katie!" Miss called out my name, i looked up.

"Please go to the head's office. Bring your stuff with you." Miss smiled

"Ooo! the little baby turning into a badass." Cole said

"I bet it's her brother." Daniel smirked

"He's such a faggot. What his name again? Kendall right? He like Katie, nothing but dirt." Jessie laugh


I don't care how much you hurt me, they can never talk about my family or the boys like that.

"Guys, she speaks." Jessie looked shocked

"You know what, i've had enough of you treating me like shit. You make my life a living hell! I don't care how much hurtful things you've done to me, but when you say one thing about my family i do not back down. How dare you speak about my brother like that? Who do you think you are?" i shouted in Jessie's face

The whole class went silent. Jessie's face went pale.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" she said, strutting

"This."i slapped her in the face.

The slap was hard and powerful. It left a bright red mark on her cheek. Jessie eyes started to feel with tears. She looked at me with eyes to kill. She stood up and ran to me, i quickly moved out of the way and she ran straight into a wall, falling down. I went on top of her and started punching her all over her face. Letting out all of the anger i've been keeping for years from this child. She started to cry, tears falling down her face.

"Help." she coughed

"You should get every single beating from me. Now you know how i felt for years." i screamed out loud.

I felt someone pull me away from her. People standing over Jessie to see if she's okay. I look behind me to see who pulled me away from her. My eyes melt a pair of chocolate brown ones. My eyes widened while i gasped. He saw everything. I'm in so much trouble.

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