Escaping Her Cage

Start from the beginning

“Sebastian you don’t need her! Aren’t I enough for you?” the blonde goes over and wraps her arms around Sebastian’s neck pulling her body against him. Shouldn’t I feel something at the sight? Why am I not jealous or even annoyed? I don’t feel anything. All I want is to hurt them. This cold emptiness is freeing and yet also suffocating. I want to feel but – but I don’t. If this is what my life is going to be like from now on I demand that other suffer so that I can at least feel something.

“Tell me Princess,” Sebastian ignores the blonde all together and shoves her away as he nears me. “Why are you here? You and I are bound together closer than anything can tear apart. You think you can leave me? You can’t. You think you can stop loving me? I won’t let you. You think you can escape me? You’ll never make it. Why bother trying? You – You belong to me, Princess.” He reaches up and cups my cheek leaning in to kiss me. I reach up and curl my hands around the back of his neck pulling him close and leaning my lips up so that they brush against his.

“You silly little boy,” I crush my lips to his and meld us together. Passion. Lust. Love. I feel none of it while I can tell that he feels it all. He feels nothing except when I’m near him. I bring out the emotions in him whether he wants to feel them or not. He craves emotions. He craves me. The problem is that I don’t care.

My hands trail from where they were tangled in his hair down to his chest. I rack my fingers down causing him to wince before flattening my hands and shoving him away so that he flies back and hits the wall. The crowd around us claps politely like they were watching a tennis match. “What the hell?” screeches the bimbo her head whipping back and forth between the two of us.

“I done being stuck in a cage,” I walk forward and grab her around her neck. “The time has come for this little bird to fly away leaving a trail of blood in her wake. So how would you like to die?”

She whimpers as her hands flare red hot as she tries to burn me. Pathetic really that she thinks her inferior power will have any effect on me. She can’t burn me. “Let her go!” I don’t obey the new voice but turn to see who else has come to play with me. It’s a man who looks to be in his early twenties. His scruffy look is probably something most girls find attractive but that’s not what interests me. He holds in his hand a cane with a light blue crystal set in the top. This man has power but as much as me? No, nowhere near as much as me not since I’ve let go over feeling.

“Now why would I do that?” I tighten my grip on her neck and let my power seep into her causing her to scream out in pain.

The man’s eyes flash as he points his cane at me and a flash of light hits me. I can feel his power flowing over me but it can’t touch me. It’s nothing compared to the power I wield now. “What?” the man stutters as he watches me drop the now lip blonde girl.

I turn and direct my attentions solely to him not that she’s been taken care of. The crowd of humans again claps politely at my win, “You thought I was a silly little girl in love with Sebastian who had a tiny bit of magic didn’t you? Never in your wildest dreams did you consider that I would be a monster. Sebastian can’t control me anymore. It’s a timeless tale of a monster killing its creator and I’d hate to disappoint.” I flick my hand and watch as he falls to the ground blinded by my power. He won’t ever be able to see again. And why should he. . . or better yet why should I care if he does or doesn’t?

“What have I done?” Sebastian’s voice sound broken and lost. “Princess?”

I turn and stare down at where he’s trying to pick himself up off the ground. Weeks ago I would have been heartbroken to see him so shattered but now I feel almost - alive. As sick as it is breaking him has caused me happiness. “I’m not your Princess anymore Sebastian. I’m your Monster. You took my emotions, my feelings, my soul away from me and now I’m going to kill you. I don’t hate you but then again I don’t feel anything but cold emptiness anymore.”

Sebastian staggers to his feet, “I’m sorry Princess I didn’t mean for this to go so wrong. I simply wanted to keep you all for myself. I wanted all of your love and now I’ve lost it.” He stands before me his eyes dull and a single tear sliding down his face. I should feel sorry for him, right? Then where is my compassion, my sympathy?

“It’s too little, too late Sebastian.” I lay my hand on his chest right where his heart is. “You’ve felt nothing for so long except for when you were with me. Perhaps it’s time for you to feel all the emotions you’ve been denied all these years.” His eyes widen and he tries to step away only to be held still by my magic. We stare into each other’s eyes and I watch as his begin to fill with emotion. Sebastian collapses on the floor in pain breaking our eye contact and beginning to cry out in pain. He’s experiencing an emotional overload but if he survives it he’ll be powerless but for once he’ll feel again.

Smiling brightly I bask in the applause of my silent audience of humans. By tomorrow morning they’ll remember nothing of what they saw. Glancing around at the club I sigh as I feel the brief euphoric feeling drain from me to be replaced by coldness. Bored. Once again I’m bored. Weather Sebastian dies or not means little to me now that I’ve had my fun. Time to leave and go find my fun somewhere else now that I’m done being stuck in a cage.

“Bye-bye Sebastian enjoy your new found feelings.” With those parting words I grab my jacket and walk out of the club hopping on the bike and heading somewhere far away.

The Big Bad Wolf

He can smell her scent on the air. The tantalizing scent of her clings to the surrounding as he heads toward the door. It’s obvious this place is some kind of front for an illegal club. Opening the door he hears the music abut doesn’t see many people. Once he reaches the dance floor he sees the humans standing around simply watching the two witches laying broken on the floor. Then he spots the third – Sebastian lying almost lifelessly on the ground. Growls rip through him as he nears the man who stole his love away.

“She’s gone,” Sebastian says quietly. “I turned her into a monster and now she’s been let loose on the world. You can kill me if you like. Death might be welcome now that she’s cursed me to feel after years of feeling nothing. But know this – she’s not the girl you knew anymore. She’s the monster I created and I’m probably the only one in the world who knows what she’s thinking now.”

He growls menacingly at Sebastian his wolf howling out for his lost love. Where is she now? How far could she have gotten?


Okay guys two of my classes were canceled today so I had time to write this part but next time I'm not posting until I get ten comments. I repeat I will not post until I get 10 COMMENTS! So no matter how long it takes there will be no new chapters until I've got TEN COMMENTS! Hope you liked the chapter it wasn't as dark as I was planning on but I might make the next couple chapters darker. . .



Thanks for reading :)

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